
国际著名科学家William H. Gerwick教授受聘中国海洋大学客座教授


国际著名科学家William H. Gerwick教授


2017310日,中国海洋大学在鱼山校区医药学院A202会议室举行了聘请美国加州大学Scripps 海洋研究所(SIO, UCSDWilliam H. Gerwick教授为我院客座教授的仪式。中国工程院院士、青岛海洋生物医药研究院院长管华诗亲自为Gerwick教授颁发聘书,学生代表为Gerwick教授送花并佩戴校徽。医药学院院长于广利教授,副院长吕志华教授、李筠教授,院长助理李德海教授、李文利教授,医药学院王长云教授、李国强教授、邵长伦教授、李平林教授、朱天骄教授等老师出席了仪式。会上,于广利教授介绍了中国海洋大学的发展历程和医药学院建设情况,李文利教授介绍了Gerwick教授的研究方向和科研成果。

仪式结束后,在于广利院长主持下,Gerwick教授在医药学院B楼学术报告厅为广大师生做了题为《Integrating Computational, Pharmacological and Medicinal Chemical Approaches for the Discovery of New Bioactive Natural Products from Marine Cyanobacteria》的报告。Gerwick教授总结了自己多年来在海洋蓝细菌活性天然产物的发现、结构修饰、全合成以及作用机制等方面取得的研究成果,指出了集成分析化学、分子药理学、计算化学、合成化学以及分子生物学等各个领域的先进技术用于海洋药物开发前景。此外,还介绍了以二级质谱为基础的分子网络技术对蓝细菌来源天然产物中已知化合物的排重以及新颖化合物的快速发现等应用。




Professor William H. Gerwick简历


Distinguished ProfessorOceanography and Pharmaceutical Sciences; Director, Center for Marine Biotechnology and Biomedicine;Director, NIH Training Grant on Marine Biotechnology; Co-Director, UC San Diego Center for Compound Resources; Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ. of California at San Diego.


1976-1981 Ph.D. in Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego.

1984-2005 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor in Oregon State University.

2005- Distinguished Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego


Dr. Gerwick's research focuses on exploring the unique natural products of marine algae and cyanobacteria for useful biomedical properties. Gerwick group has been involved in their discovery and evaluation in the areas of cancer, inflammation, infectious disease including tropical diseases such as malaria, chagas’ disease, leishmaniasis, neurochemical pathways, as well as agricultural uses. The Gerwick group has also examined the pathways of biosynthesis of many of the compounds they have discovered over the years, and pioneered the characterization of their origins at the molecular genetics and genomic levels. More recently, his group has also applied their chemical and genetic approaches to the goal of obtaining biofuels from cultured microalgae.

4、  主要成就

Revealed marine algae as rich sources of structurally novel eicosanoids related to human prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Discovered and determined the structure and properties of several promising anticancer agents, such as curacin A, and carmaphycin A, from marine cyanobacteria. Discovery of structurally novel neurotoxins from marine cyanobacteria and characterization of their mechanisms of action. Characterized the biosynthesis of important pharmaceutical leads from marine cyanobacteria at the chemical, biochemical and genetic levels. Published more than 300 peer-reviewed papers.


