

1.            Li, Q., Chen, L. and L. Kong (2009): A genetic linkage map of the sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus Selenka) based on AFLP and microsatellite markers. Animal Genetics, 40:678-685.

2.            Li, Q., Nie, H. and L. Kong (2009): Microsatellite-centromere mapping in zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) through half-tetrad analysis in D-shaped larvae of gynogenetic diploid families. Aquaculture, 293:29-34.

3.            Kong, L. and Q. Li (2009): Genetic evidence for the existence of cryptic species in an endangered clam Coelomactra antiquate. Marine Biology, 156:1507-1515.

4.            Zhao, C., Li, Q. and L. Kong (2009): Inheritance of AFLP markers and their use for genetic diversity analysis in wild and farmed scallop (Chlamys farreri). Aquaculture, 287:67-74.

5.            Li, R., Li, Q. and R. Yu (2009): Parentage determination and effective population size estimation in mass spawning Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) based on microsatellite loci analysis. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 40:667-677.

6.            Xu, K., Li, Q., Kong, L. and R. Yu (2009): A first-generation genetic map of the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis based AFLP and microsatellite markers. Aquaculture Research, 40:35-43.

7.            Bai, J., Li, Q., Kong, L. and R. Li (2009): Characterization of 20 single nucleotide polymorphism markers in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas). Animal Genetics, 40:1004.

8.            Zhao, Y., Li, Q., Kong, L. and Y. Mao (2009): Genetic and morphological variation in the venus clam Cyclina sinensis along the coast of China. Hydrobiologia, 635:227-235.

9.            Zheng, X, Ikeda, M., Kong, L, Lin, X, Li, Q. and N. Taniguchi (2009): Genetic diversity and population structure of the golden cuttlefish, Sepia esculenta indicated by microsatellite DNA variations. Marine Ecology, 30:448-454.

10.        Li, Q., Liu, S. and L. Kong (2009): Microsatellites within genes and ESTs of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and their transferability in five other Crassostrea species. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 12:3.

11.        Yuan, Y., Li, Q., Kong L. and Y. Pan (2009): Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the tuba false fusus (Hemifusus tuba Gmelin). Conservation Genetics Resources, 1:9-11.

12.        Liu, J., Li, Q. and L. Kong (2009): Isolation and characterization of thirteen microsatellite loci in the pen shell Atrina pectinata (Bivalvia: Pinnidae). Conservation Genetics, 10:1369-1371.

13.        Li, Q, Li, Q., Liu, J., Ni, L. and L. Kong (2009): Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus). Conservation Genetics, 10:1879-1881.

14.        Li, Q., Ni, G., Liu, J., Li, J. and L. Kong (2009): Identification and characterization of microsatellite markers from the starfish Asterina pectinifera expressed sequence tags. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9:137-139.

15.        Li, R., Li, Q. and L. Kong (2009): Characterization of expressed sequence tag-derived single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the bay scallop Argopecten irradians irradians. Fisheries Science, 75:1389-1400.

16.        Feng, Y., Li, Q. and L. Kong (2009): Isolation and characterization of 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in the ark shell Scapharca subcrenata (Bivalvia: Arcidae). Conservation Genetics, 10:1125-1127.

17.        Xu, K. and Q. Li (2009): Inheritance pattern of microsatellite loci and their use for kinship analysis in the Japanese scallop Patinopecten yessoensis. Journal of Ocean University of China, 8:184-190.

18.        王庆志, 李琪, 刘士凯, 孔令锋, 郑小东, 于瑞海, 2009: 长牡蛎幼体生长性状的遗传力及其相关性分析. 中国水产科学, 16:736-743.

19.        杨青, 李琪, 于瑞海, 孔令锋, 郑小东, 2009: 栉江瑶第1卵裂抑制型雌核发育二倍体人工诱导的研究. 海洋科学, 33:63-67.

20.        胡美燕, 李琪, 孔令锋, 李莉, 2009: 中国刺参与日本红刺参杂交子一代的早期生长比较. 中国海洋大学学报, 39:375-380.

21.        闫红伟, 李琪, 孔令锋, 于瑞海, 2009: 山东沿海缢蛏的繁殖生物学研究. 中国海洋大学学报, 39:343-346.

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