A global high-resolution Ocean Wave Model Improved by Assimilating the Satellite Altimeter Significant Wave Height

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Subtropical Countercurrent Variations in Cooling Climates Induced by Freshwater Forcing over the Subarctic North Atlantic

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Seasonal Dependence of Coupling between Storm Tracks and Sea Surface Temperature in the Southern Hemisphere Midlatitudes: A Statistical Assessment

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An Improved Dual-polarized Ratio Algorithm for Sea Ice Concentration Retrieval from Passive Microwave Satellite Data and Inter-comparison with ASI, ABA and NT2

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Greater Role of Geostrophic Currents in Ekman Dynamics in the Western Arctic Ocean as a Mechanism for Beaufort Gyre Stabilization

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Regional Coupled Model and Data Assimilation

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The ‘Two Oceans and One Sea’ Extended Range Numerical Prediction System with an Ultra-high Resolution Atmosphere-ocean-land Regional Coupled Model

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Polarity Variations of Internal Solitary Waves over the Continental Shelf of the Northern South China Sea: Impacts of Seasonal Stratification, Mesoscale Eddies, and Internal Tides

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Evolution of Submesoscale Ageostrophic Motions through the Life Cycle of Oceanic Mesoscale eddies

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Latitude-dependent Finescale Turbulent Shear Generations in the Pacific tropical-Extratropical upper Ocean

ZHANG Z. -W., B. Qiu *, J. -W. Tian *, W. Zhao, and X. -D. Huang
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Dependence of Wind Stress across an Air–sea Interface on Wave States

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