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MCTL made progress on carbon cycle research
PostTime:2016-11-21 Click:812

 Prof. Xuchen Wang has built a C-14 pretreatment lab in an international advanced level since he joint MCTL in Aug. 2013 and cooperated with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and UCLA Irvine. His research was highly recognized and recommended by international peer experts:" The interpretation is both novel and solid. Given the enormous interest in aquatic carbon biogeochemistry, i believe that this manuscript will be of great use to the scientific community in understanding the sources and cycling of carbon in major world rivers --Reviewer's comment".

Papers published in international high-level journals recently:
1. Xuchen Wang, Caili Xu, Ellen M. Druffel, Yuejun Xue and Yuanzhi Qi(2016)Two black carbon pools transported by the Changjiang and Huanghe Rivers in China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, DOI:10.1002/2016GB005509(2015年IF 4.495).
2. Xuchen Wang, Chunle Luo, Tiantian Ge, Caili Xu, Yuejun Xue(2016) Controls on the sources and cycling of dissolved inorganic carbon in the Changjiang and Huanghe River estuaries, China: 14C and 13C studies. Limnology and Oceanography, 61, 1358-1374. (2015年 IF 3.660).
3. Tiantian Ge, Xuchen Wang*, Jing Zhang, Chunle Luo and Yuejun Xue (2016) Dissolved inorganic radiocarbon in the Northwest Pacific continental margin. Radiocarbon, 58(3), 517-529. DOI:10.1017/RDC.2016.23. (2015年 IF 4.565).
