李浩帅 / Li Haoshuai | |||||
职 称: | 副教授 | ||||
办公电话: | 暂无 | ||||
个人邮箱: | lihaoshuai@ouc.edu.cn | ||||
地 址: | 化学楼3-103室 | ||||
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研究领域或方向: | |||||
面向“可持续海洋生态环境”和“双碳”战略的目标需求,聚焦海洋溢油污染应急科学中面临的科学问题和石油污染事故处置中亟需解决的技术难题,围绕“海洋溢油污染全链条环境行为过程与生态效应”开展应用基础研究,重点解决真实溢油场景减污降碳关键理论与技术瓶颈,为防范海上溢油重大环境风险,提升应对海洋自然灾害和突发环境事件能力建设奠定基础。具体研究方向包括: 1. 海洋溢油全链条环境行为归宿与生态效应 2. 油-颗粒物凝聚体迁移转化过程与减污降碳理论 3. 微生物介导的生物地球化学过程与工程菌研发 | |||||
教育经历: | |||||
2015.09-2019.06 中国海洋大学,化学化工学院,理学博士 2017.09-2018.08 加拿大海洋渔业部贝德福德海洋研究所,联合培养博士 2012.09-2015.06 中国海洋大学,化学化工学院,理学硕士 2007.09-2012.06 青岛科技大学,化工学院,工学学士 | |||||
工作经历: | |||||
2023.10-至今 中国海洋大学,化学化工学院,副教授 2019.08-2023.09 中国海洋大学,海洋化学理论与工程技术教育部重点实验室,博士后 2019.03-2019.06 加拿大国家研究委员会, 访问工作 | |||||
主持或参与的项目: |
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1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,生物物理颗粒物与附着微生物群落联动降解低浓度海洋溢油的机制研究,2022.01-2024.12,主持,30万 2. 中国海洋大学青年英才工程启动经费,2023.10-2028.09,主持,30万元 3. 自然资源部渤海生态预警与保护修复重点实验室开放基金项目,黄河口滨海湿地沉积物有机碳来源构成与蓝碳植被贡献量研究,2024.01-2025.12, 主持,3万 4. 青岛市博士后应用研究项目,微米级颗粒物诱导凝聚油的生物降解过程与机制研究,2020.01-2021.12,主持,5万 5. 广东省海洋资源与近岸工程重点实验室开放研究基金项目,微米级颗粒物诱导海洋溢油生物降解机制研究,2021.03-2023.02,主持,3万 6. 国家重点研发计划“绿色生物制造”重点专项,油田采油生物制剂研发及应用子课题:驱油生物表面活性剂绿色制造,2022.11-2026.10,参与,120万 7. 国家重点研发计划“海洋环境安全保障”重点专项,海上交通溢油监测预警与防控技术研究及应用子课题:渤海沉潜油形成机理和行为归宿研究,2016.09-2020.12,参与,69万 8.中加国际合作项目,Natural attenuation and trajectory forecasting of marine spilled dilbit in Chinese/Canadian waters,2018.01-2019.03,参与,$25万 9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,西北太平洋黑潮延伸体海域类脂分子标志物分布解析与微生物驱动效应,2023.01-2026.12,参与,53万 10. 国家自然科学基金专项项目,“双碳”目标背景下海洋碳循环研究的机遇与挑战,2023.01-2023.12,参与,24万 11. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,油田含聚油泥的多界面稳定过程及破稳可行性分析,2023.01-2025.12,参与,10万 12. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,原油乳化诱发海洋溢油沉潜行为影响研究,2018.03-2021.06,参与,12万 13. 国家海洋局海洋溢油鉴别与损害评估技术重点实验室开放研究基金,波浪对沉潜油形成的影响机制研究,2017.01-2018.12,参与,10万 14. 企业合作项目,聚丙烯酰胺降解菌的筛选、评价及降解条件优化,2022.09-2023.08,参与,50万 15. 企业合作项目,页岩油采出水稳定性评价与脱稳机制研究,2023.12-2025.03,参与,34.5万 | |||||
学术成果: | |||||
近三年代表性论文(第一或者通讯作者) 1. Ranran Dong, Zhifeng Wan, Xinping Wang, Yan Bai, Mutai Bao, Haoshuai Li*. The Role of Bacteria in the Formation and Migration of Oil-Particle Aggregates (OPAs) after Marine Oil Spills and the Associated Mechanism, Envrionmental Science and Technology, 2023, 57: 7018-7028. 2. Ruichen Cao, Haibo Chen, Haoshuai Li*, Hongrui Fu, Yuzhe Wang, Mutai Bao*, Wenhao Tuo, Xianqing Lv. A mesoscale assessment of sinking oil during dispersant treatment. Ocean Engineering,2022, 263:112341. 3. Hongrui Fu, Haoshuai Li*, Mutai Bao*, Yunlong Liu, Lai Wei, Lian Ju, Ruichen Cao, Yang Li. Mesoscale evaluation of oil submerging and floating processes during marine oil spill response: Effects of dispersant on submerging stability and the associated mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 436: 129153. 4. Haoshuai Li, Hu Sun, Xinping Wang, Fujuan Li, Lixin Cao, Yang Li, Ranran Dong, Yuxiang Sun, Peiyan Sun*, Mutai Bao*. Temporal and spatial variation of petroleum hydrocarbons and microbial communities during static release of oil pollution sediments. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9:1025612. 5. Xianghui Kong, Ranran Dong, Thomas King, Feifei Chen, Haoshuai Li*. Biodegradation Potential of Bacillus sp. PAH-2 on PAHs for Oil-Contaminated Seawater. Molecules, 2022, 27: 687. 6. Haoshuai Li, Yang Li, Mutai Bao*, Shudong Li. Solid inoculants as a practice for bioaugmentation to enhance bioremediation of hydrocarbon contaminated areas. Chemosphere, 2021, 263: 128175. 7. Haoshuai Li, Mutai Bao*, Yang Li*, Lanmei Zhao, Thomas King, Ying Xie. Effects of suspended particulate matter, surface oil layer thickness and surfactants on the formation and transport of oil-sediment aggregates (OSA).International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2020, 149: 104925. 近三年代表性论文(合作作者) 1. Weifeng Wu, Haoshuai Li, Nan Wang, Xuan Huo, Guoqiang Zhong, Longhai Zhu, Jingyu Liu, Yang Zhou, Caiqing Yan, Rui Bao*. An approach for carbon content measurement in marine sediment: Application of organic and elemental carbon analyzer. Marine Environmental Research, 2023, 188, 106000. 2. Mengfan Chu, Jiwen Liu, Haoshuai Li, Yang Zhou, Nan Wang, Cuimei Xia, Achim Kopf, Michael Strasser, Rui Bao*. Earthquake-induced redistribution and reburial of microbes in the hadal trenches. The Innovation Geoscience, 2023, 1(2), 100027. 3. Yangli Che, Chaoran Lin, Shen Li, Jiao Liu, Longhai Zhu, Shilei Yu, Nan Wang, Haoshuai Li, Mutai Bao, Yang Zhou, Tonghao Si, Rui Bao*. Influences of hydrodynamics on microbial community assembly and organic carbon composition of resuspended sediments in shallow marginal seas. Water Research,2023, 120882. 4. Danxu Guo, Yang Zhou, Fang Chen, Zimin Wang, Haoshuai Li, Nan Wang, Huayang Gan, Shuhong Fang, Rui Bao*. Temporal variation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) abundances in Shenzhen Bay sediments over past 65 years.Marine Pollution Bulletin,2023, 194, 115387. 5. Xin Hu, Yaping Pan, Shanshan Zhao, Feifei Zhang, Fengshu Li, Zhe Li, Haoshuai Li, Yiming Li, Jinren Lu, Xiaolong Yang, Mutai Bao*. A step closer to real practice: Integrated tandem photocatalysis-biofilm process towards degradation of crude oil. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 342, 118357. 6. Fengshu Li, Xin Hu, Xiaojun Sun, Haoshuai Li, Jinren Lu, Yiming Li, Mutai Bao*. Effect of fermentation pH on the structure, rheological properties, and antioxidant activities of exopolysaccharides produced by Alteromonas australica QD. Glycoconkigate Journal, 2022, 39, 773–787. 7. Fengshu Li, Xin Hu, Liying Qin, Haoshuai Li, Yan Yang, Xiuli Zhang, Jinren Lu, Yiming Li, Mutai Bao*. Characterization and protective effect against ultraviolet radiation of a novel exopolysaccharide from Bacillus marcorestinctum QDR3-1. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 221,1373-1383. 8. Fengshu Li, Xin Hu, Jia Li, Xiaojun Sun, Chengyi Luo, Xiuli Zhang, Haoshuai Li, Jinren Lu, Yiming Li, Mutai Bao*. Purification, Structural Characterization, Antioxidant and Emulsifying Capabilities of Exopolysaccharide Produced by Rhodococcus qingshengii QDR4-2. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2022, 31, 64-80. | |||||
其他: | |||||
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