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发布人:李辉    发布时间:2020-06-26     动态浏览次数:312

Weiyan Duan, Shuhao Du, Fanping Meng*, Xiaoling Peng, Lihong Peng, Yufei Lin, Guoshan Wang, Jiangyue Wu. 2020. The pathways by which the marine diatom Thalassiosira sp. OUC2 biodegrades p-xylene, combined with a mechanistic analysis at the proteomic level. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 198, 110687, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110687

 Hao Li, Haiping Li, Fanping Meng*, Bo Zhang, Yufei Lin, Jiangyue Wu, Guoshan Wang, Yang Zheng. 2020. The biodegradation of p-xylene by a newly isolated oceanic microalga Rhodomonas sp. JZB-2. Journal of Water Process Engineering 36: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101311

●Shuhao Du, Xiang Dou, Fanping Meng*, Xiaoling Peng. 2020. Effects of two common antibiotics on the growth and lipidproduction of Tetradesmus obliquus cultivated in the effluentof municipal wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Applied Phycology 32: 389-397

●Hao Li, Fanping Meng*, Yuejie Wang, Yufei Lin. 2020. Removal of phenol by Isochrysis galbana in seawater undervarying temperature and light intensity. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 38(3): 773-782

彭礼洪, 孟范平*, 刘群群, 段伟艳. 2020. 东营市北部海域文蛤重金属污染特征与食用风险评价. 中国环境科学40(4): 1800-180.

●Weiyan Duan, Fanping Meng*, Xiaoling Peng, Yufei Lin, Guoshan Wang, Jiangyue Wu. 2019. Kinetic analysis and degradation mechanism for natural attenuation ofxylenes under simulated marine conditions.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 168: 443-449

Hao Li, Fanping Meng*, Weiyan Duan, Yufei Lin, Yang Zheng. 2019. Biodegradation of phenol in saline or hypersaline environments by bacteria: a review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 184: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2019.109658.

●Feng Li, Weiyan Duan, Shuhao Du, Fanping Meng*, Xiaoling Peng, Lihong Peng, Yufei Lin, Jiangyue Wu, Guoshan Wang. 2019. Toxicological assessment of intermediates in natural attenuation of p-xylene to marine microalgae. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology103: 441-446.

●Dou Xiang,Meng Fanping*, Duan Weiyan, Liu Qunqun, Li Hao, Du Shuhao, Peng Xiaoling. 2019. Growth inhibition and oxidative stress in two species of marine diatoms exposed to 1-phenylethanol. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 37(4): 1342-1352.

彭晓玲, 孟范平*, 张倩, 杜树豪, 段伟艳. 2019. 氧化石墨烯对淡水微藻生长及生物活性物质的影响. 中国环境科学39(11): 4849-4857.

王菲菲, 孟范平*, 林雨霏, 王国善, 武江越, 段伟艳, 刘群群. 2019. 海上泄漏事故中有机化学品的理化行为、生态危害与污染控制综述. 海洋环境科学 38(3): 471-481.

赵诗琳, 孟范平*, 林雨霏, 郑洋, 王国善, 武江越. 2019. 二甲苯吸附剂及其在泄漏事故水域的适用性评述. 化工进展, 2019, 38(6): 2813-2824.

崔衍波, 冯永亮, 刘群群, 王菲菲, 崔鸿武, 王曰杰, 孟范平*. 2019. 东营市三个河口区域表层海水重金属的分布与生态风险评价. 中国海洋大学学报49(1): 093-101.

刘群群, 孟范平*, 林怡辰. 2019. 胶州湾沉积物中重金属生物可利用性及生态风险评价. 中国海洋大学学报49(5): 035-044.

窦祥, 张汉珍, 李广经, 崔鸿武, 孟范平*. 2019. 东营市北部海域沉积物和贝类中石油烃分布与污染评价. 中国海洋大学学报 49(6): 086-094.

李锋, 孟范平*, 李睿倩. 2019. 基于能值分析的小型港口可持续发展评价:以海阳港为例. 海洋环境科学 38(5): 712-719.

Qunqun Liu, Feifei Wang,Fanping Meng*, Lei Jiang, Guangjing Li, Rongguang Zhou. 2018.Assessment of metal contamination in estuarine surface sediments from Dongying City, China: use of a modified ecological risk index. Marine Pollution Bulletin 126: 293-303.

Yufei Lin, Qunqun Liu, Fanping Meng*, Yichen Lin, Yongxiang Du. 2018. Integrated toxicity evaluation of heavy metals in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay (China): Based on biomarkers responses in clam Ruditapes philippinarum exposed to sediment extracts.Marine Pollution Bulletin 131: 180-190.

Weiyan Duan, Fanping Meng*, Hongwu Cui, Yufei Lin, Guoshan Wang, Jiangyue Wu. 2018. Ecotoxicity of phenol and cresols to aquatic organisms: A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety157: 441-456.

Ru Wan, Fanping Meng*, Enping Su, Wenchao Fu, Qun Wang. 2018. Development of a classification scheme for evaluating water quality in a marine environment receiving treated municipal effluent by an integrated biomarker approach in Meretrix meretrix. Ecological Indicators 93: 697-703.

Fanping Meng*, Hongwu Cui, Yuejie Wang, Xianglei Li. 2018. Response of a new isolated cyanobacteria strain to temperature, pH, CO2 and light quality. Journal of Applied Phycology30: 1525-1532.

Yuejie Wang, Fanping Meng*, Hao Li, Shilin Zhao, Qunqun Liu, Yufei Lin, Guoshan Wang, Jiangyue Wu. 2018. Biodegradation of phenol by Isochrysis galbana screened from eight species of marine microalgae: Growth kinetic models, enzyme analysis and biodegradation pathway. Journal of Applied Phycology31: 445-455.

Jiangbing Qiu, Fanping Meng, Ling Ding, Yijia Che, Pearse McCarron, Daniel G. Beach, Aifeng Li*. 2018. Dynamics of paralytic shellfish toxins and their metabolites during timecourse exposure of scallops Chlamys farreri and mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis to Alexandrium pacificum. Aquatic Toxicology200: 233-240.

Jiangbing Qiu, Hua Fan, Ting Liu, Xia Liang, Fanping Meng, Michael A. Quilliam, Aifeng Li*. 2018. Application of activated carbon to accelerate detoxification of paralytic shellfish toxins from mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis and scallops Chlamys farreri. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety148: 402-409.

Yuejie Wang, Fanping Meng*, Yufei Lin, Weiyan Duan, Qunqun Liu. 2017. Four types of attenuation of phenol and cresols in microcosms under simulated marine conditions: A kinetic study. Chemosphere185: 595-601.

Weiyan Duan, Fanping Meng*, Feifei Wang, Qunqun Liu. 2017. Environmental behavior and eco-toxicity of xylene in aquatic environments: A review. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety145: 324-332.

Hongwu Cui, Fanping Meng*, Li Feng, Yuejie Wang. 2017. Application of sodium erythorbate to promote the growth of Chlorella vulgaris. Journal of Applied Phycology29: 1135-1144.

●Weiyan Duan, Fanping Meng*, Yufei Lin, Guoshan Wang. 2017. Toxicological effects of phenol on four marine microalgae. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 52: 170-176.

●Hongwu Cui,Fanping Meng*, Li Feng, Yuejie Wang, Weiyan Duan, YichenLin. 2017. Two-stage mixotrophic cultivation for enhancing the biomass and lipid productivity of Chlorella vulgaris. AMB Express 7: 187. DOI 10.1186/s13568-017-0488-9

段伟艳, 杜永祥, 孟范平*, 林怡辰, 周琦. 2017. 氧化石墨烯对双壳类动物文蛤的亚致死毒性研究. 中国环境科学37(7): 2755-2764.

刘群群, 孟范平*, 王菲菲, 崔鸿武, 王曰杰. 2017. 东营北部海域沉积物中重金属的分布、来源及生态风险评价. 环境科学38(9): 3635-3644.

张汉珍, 王菲菲, 姜磊, 吴鑫, 杜辉, 刘菁, 孟范平*. 2017. 东营市挑河和神仙沟的河水重金属污染评价. 安全与环境学报17(4): 1536-1542.

Yichen Lin, FanpingMeng*, Yongxiang Du, Yuhan Tan. 2016. Distribution,speciation, and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of Jiaozhou Bay, China. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal22(5): 1253-1267.

Yongxiang Du, Fanping Meng*, Wenchao Fu, Zhifeng Wang. 2016. Distribution, speciation and bioaccumulationof Hg and As in mariculture sediments fromDongshan Bay, China. Soil and Sediment Contamination An International Journal 25(5): 489-504.

林怡辰, 孟范平*, 万茹, 杜永祥, 王曰杰, 崔鸿武. 2016. 利用文蛤生物标志物评价尾水-海水混合体系污染水平. 中国环境科学36(9): 2774-2783

崔鸿武, 张倩, 孟范平*, 杜永祥, 苏恩萍. 2016. 城市污水厂尾水文蛤微核率、溶酶体膜稳定性及解毒活性的影响. 中国海洋大学学报46(1): 056-063.

●RuWan, Fanping Meng*, Wenchao Fu, Qun Wang, Enping Su. 2015. Biochemical responses in the gills of Meretrix meretrix after exposure to treated municipal effluents. Ecotoxicologyand Environmental Safety 111: 78-85.

王曰杰孟范平*李永富崔鸿武. 2015. 内置LED光源的平板式光生物反应器用于微藻培养普通小球藻在反应器中的固碳产油性能探究. 中国环境科学35(5): 1526-1534.

李永富孟范平*王曰杰. 2015. 用于普通小球藻固碳的气升式内环流平板光生物反应器设计参数优化. 环境工程学报9(2): 653-658.

胡恒, 于腾, 孟范平*, 杜秀萍, 李祥蕾. 2015. 5多溴联苯醚同系物对海洋饵料藻亚心型扁藻和盐生杜氏藻的急性毒性研究. 海洋环境科学 34(5): 654-660.

Fanping Meng*, Zhifeng Wang, Fenglian Cheng, Xiuping Du,Wenchao Fu,Qun Wang, Xiaoyan Yi, Yongfu Li, You Zhou. 2013. The assessment of environmental pollution along the coast of Beibu Bay,northernSouth China Sea:An integrated biomarker approach in the clamMeretrix meretrix. Marine Environmental Research 85: 64-75.
