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发布人:李辉    发布时间:2020-06-01     动态浏览次数:206


●HUANG Xiao, BAI Jie, LI Kuiran, ZHAO Yangguo, TIAN Weijun and HU Chunhui. Preparation of Clay/Biochar Composite Adsorption Particle and Performance for Ammonia Nitrogen Removal from Aqueous Solution. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020,19 (3): 729-739

●Pengfei Sun, Jie Bai, Kuiran Li, Yangguo Zhao, Weijun Tian, Xiaoyan Bai & Yanzhao Tian . Impact of Phenanthrene on Denitrification Activity and Transcription of Related Functional Genes in Estuarine and Marine Sediments. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2020,19 (1): 124-134

●Jialin LiTing WangShuxian YuaJie BaiSong Qin. Community characteristics and ecological roles of bacterial biolms associated with various algal settlements on coastal reefs. Journal of Environmental Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109459

●Xiao Huang, Jie Bai, Kuiran Li, Yangguo ZhaoWeijun Tian , Jiajia Dang. Characteristics of two novel cold- and salt-tolerant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria from Liaohe Estuarine Wetland , Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 114: 192-200

●Dongwan ShiKuiran LiYanzhao TianJie Bai. Responses of Heterotrophic Bacteria Abundance and Activity to Asian Dust enrichment in the Low Nutrients and Low Chlorophyll (LNLC) region of the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Earth and Environmental Science. 2017,64:1-5  

●Xiaohao Zhang, Kuiran Li* , Dongwan Shi, Shuai Zhao, Pengfei Sun, Yanzhao Tian, Lin Chen. Responses of heterotrophic bacteria abundance to added trace element Fe and Mn in the inolgotrophic and mesotrophic zone of the Northern Yellow Sea. The 2016 International Conference on Advances in Energy, Environment and Chemical Science . 2016:0075-0078

●Pengtao Wang, Zhengyan Li, Jie Bai, Yinhai Lang, Hong Hu. Optimization of microalgal bead preparation with Scenedesmus obliquus for both nutrient removal and lipid production. Ecological Engineering, 2016, 92:236–242

●Zhang Ying, Li Kui-ranYao Hong-ming, Zhao Yang-guo, Huang Xiao, Bai Jie. The effect of vegetation restoration on denitrification in Shuangtaizi estuary reed wetland. Material Science and Environmental Engineering, 2016:745-750

●Xiao Huang, Jie Bai, Jiajia Dang, Ying Zhang, Yangguo Zhao,Kuiran Li. Experimental studies on the influential factors of cold-tolerance and salt-tolerance ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Advances in Energy Science and Equipment Engineering2015,1:605-609

●Wei Yang, Yin-Hai Lang, Jie Bai, Zheng-Yan Li . Quantitative evaluation of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic potential for PAHs in coastal wetland soils of China. Ecological Engineering, 2015, (74): 117–124

●Yin-Hai Lang, Guo-Liang Li, Xiao-Mei Wang, Peng Peng, Jie Bai. Combination of Unmix and positive matrix factorization model identifying contributions to carcinogenicity and mutagenicity for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons sources in Liaohe delta reed wetland soils, China. Chemosphere. 2015, (120):431-437

●Jie Bai, Xiaoyao Gu, Yuanyuan Feng, Wensheng Jiang, Haiyan Jin, Jianfang Chen, Jun Sun .Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea . Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2014, 33( 8): 83-94

●Zhao Yangguo, Chen Min,*Bai Jie, Li Xinwei, Zulfiqar, Farhana, Wang Qianli. Response of microbial community to petroleum stress and phosphate dosage in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay, ChinaJournal of Ocean University of China, 201413(2)249-25

●Xiaosha Liu, Jie Bai, Jiajun Sun, Hou RuiYangguo Zhao . The study of denitrification rate and N¬2O release rate in Shuangtaizi estuary wetland . Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 665: 416-419

●Yang-Guo Zhao, Gong Feng, Jie Bai, Min Chen, Farhana Maqbool. Effect of copper exposure on bacterial community structure  and function in the sediments of Jiaozhou Bay, China. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014, 30: 2033-2043

●Weijun Tian, Yangguo Zhao, Huimei Sun, Jie Bai, Yongmei Wang, Chenglin Wua. The effect of irrigation with oil-polluted water on microbial communities in estuarine reed rhizosphere soils. Ecological Engineering. 2014,(70):275-218

●Hongming Yao, Jie Bai, Zhen Zhang. Variations of Soil Organic Matter and Nutrients in Degenerated Wetland in Response to Ecological Restoration in Shuangtaizi Estuary, Northeast China. Advanced Materials Research. 2013, 664:48-54

●Yan Wang, Jie Bai and Yangguo Zhao. Influence of Salinity on Distribution of Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria in Laohe Estuarine Wetland, China. Advanced Materials Research, 2013, 726-731:1332-1336

●Weijun Tian, Jie Bai, Huimei Sun, Yangguo Zhao, Application of the analytic hierarchy process to a sustainability assessment of coastal beach exploitation: A case study of the wind power projects on the coastal beaches of Yancheng, China Journal of Environmental Management, 2013, 115:251-256

●Weijun Tian, Jie Bai, Kunkun Liu, Huimei Sun , Yangguo Zhao .Occurrence and removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the wastewater treatment process. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2012, (82): 1-7

●Yinhai Lang, Nannan Wang, Huiwang Gao, Jie Bai. Distribution and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs) from Liaohe estuarine wetland soils. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2012, (184):5545–5552

●Li Jialin, Bai Jie, Gao Huiwang, Liu Guangxing. Distribution of  ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria community in surface sediment of the Changjiang River Estuary in summer. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2011, 30(3):92-99

●Zhao Yang-Guo, Li Xin-Wei, Wang Jun-Cai, Bai Jie, Tian Wei-Jun. Performance of a sulfidogenic bioreactor and bacterial community shifting under different alkalinity levels. Bioresource Technology. 2010, 101(23): 9190-9196


白洁,陈琳,黄潇,胡春辉,赵阳国,李岿然.1株耐盐异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌Zobellella sp.B307的分离及脱氮特性,环境科学,2018,39(10):4793-4801

白洁,田延昭,孙鹏飞,白晓岩,李岿然,赵阳国. 纳米银对胶州湾西北部海区及河口区沉积物反硝化能力和功能基因丰度的影响,环境科学,2018,39(11):4956-4963

胡春辉,于浩,赵阳国,田伟君,白洁. 高效耐盐柴油降解菌的筛选、鉴定及降解基因,中国环境科学 2017,37(11)4251-4258

党佳佳,白洁,赵阳国,胡春辉,田伟君,陈琳,李岿然*,王洋,李东. 河口区芦苇湿地一株耐盐纤维素降解菌的筛选鉴定, 中国海洋大学学报,201727310):11-19

陈玲,白洁,赵阳国,田伟君,张颖,党佳佳,李岿然*.分离于河口区芦苇湿地1株好氧反硝化菌的鉴定及其反硝化特性.微生物学报2016, 56(8): 1314-1325



 孙雷,宋秀贤,白洁,韩笑天. 环境因子及不同附着基对浒苔孢子附着的影响. 中国海洋大学学报,2015455):059-063


陈田田,白洁, 李才文,宋书群,刘云. 主要环境因子对一株红色赤潮藻( Akashiwo sanguinea)生长的影响.海洋环境科学.2014,33(5):724-728

田伟君,王勇梅,孙会梅,赵阳国,白洁,吴承林. 石油输入对河口芦苇湿地根际微生物的影响. 中国环境科学,2014,3410):2676-2683尹宁宁,王丽萍,何士龙,白洁.辽河口湿地生态修复过程中土壤微生物群落结构特征. 河北师范大学学报(自然科学版). 201438(2):195-199

王亚洁,赵阳国,白洁,师振华,王俊彩. 一株海洋微藻的分离鉴定及其产油条件优化. 中国海洋大学学报,201444(2):095-101

李辉,白洁,尹宁宁,赵阳国,田伟君.辽河口潮间带湿地细菌数量变化规律及影响因素研究. 中国海洋大学学报,201343(2):067-071

钟丽华,董晓,白洁,王妍,赵阳国. 辽河口芦苇湿地氨氧化菌群落结构与土壤盐分的关系. 中国海洋大学学报,201343(4):094-099


白洁,董晓,赵阳国.辽河口芦苇湿地土壤氨氧化细菌的时空变化.中国环境科学, 2011, 31(11): 1870-1874

冀晓青, 韩笑天,郑立, 白洁,俞志明. 共培养条件下强壮前沟藻与中肋骨条藻的相互作用. 海洋学报, 2011, (33)1:146-152

冀晓青, 韩笑天, 白洁, 郑立, 俞志明. 微藻化感作用及化感物质在赤潮演替中的作用. 海洋科学, 2011, (35)2:92-98





赵阳国、白洁、高会旺主编, 辽河口湿地生态修复理论与方法, 2017年,海洋出版社

赵阳国, 郭书海, 郎印海,白洁主编.辽河口湿地水生态修复技术与实践. 2017年,海洋出版社



黄潇、李岿然、党佳佳、李辉、赵阳国、白洁、张颖. 一种耐盐耐冷氨氧化细菌固定化方法和应用,201510086464.3,授权日:20180601

胡春辉,于浩,白洁. 一株不动杆菌及其菌剂在石油降解中的应用,ZL201710388309.8授权日20180227


田伟君,俞慧博,金鑫,周宇航,黄汝英,刘庆,白洁.煤渣-沸石复合净化球的制备与净化方法及实验装置 201510038607.3,授权日:20170405

田伟君,王勇梅,孙会梅,白洁,吴承林,赵阳国.一种煤灰渣球, ZL201210439883.7,授权日:20140326


白洁,张竹圆,田伟君,赵阳国,周方,李艳艳,钟丽华. 以芦苇秸秆为载体的石油降解菌固定化方法与应用,201010102339.4, 授权20120321


田伟君,白洁,张竹园,赵阳国.以芦苇地表根须为载体的石油降解菌固定化方法ZL200910255830.8, 授权20111116

