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发布人:李辉    发布时间:2020-06-01     动态浏览次数:1695





1978.09-82.07 中国地质大学(武汉),水文地质,本科;

1983.09-85.07 西北大学,化学系,脱产进修;

1985.09-88.07 长安大学,水文地质及工程地质,研究生;

1993.04-93.10 联合国大学,地热项目,研修;

       ●1994.09-97.07 长安大学和德国Tuebingen大学(95-96),水文地质及工程地质,博士研究生。















★ 研究方向







★ 承担的科研项目












9. 国家水利公益性行业科技专项《大沽河海水入侵监控与治理技术》(201301090),2013.01-15.12,负责人;

10. 国家水利公益性行业科技专项《青岛地区地下咸水体淡水恢复关键技术与示范》(201001075),2010.07-12.07,技术负责人;

11. 国家水利公益性行业科技专项《大沽河流域水资源可持续管理技术研究》(201101058),2011.01-13.06,课题负责人;

12. 国家重大水专项《河口区生态用水河网调控关键技术》(ZX07208-009),2008.10-10.09,子课题负责人;

13. “十二五”国家科技计划《地热资源的绿色利用技术研究》(2012BAB12B03),2013.05-14.05,课题负责人;

14. 教育部骨干教师基金项目《地下水系统石油污染与调控》,2000.05-02.05,负责人;

15.教育部博士点基金《滨海滩涂石油污染过程研究》(20040423016),2005.01 -07.01,负责人;

16. 水利部科技成果推广项目《平度市地下水漏斗区回灌技术应用》(TG1519),2015.01-16.12,技术负责人;



19. 青岛市科技专项《即墨市王圈水库锰超标的机制与调控技术研究》,2011.01-12.07,负责人;20.青岛市水利科技重点项目《环境容量与生态安全预警系统研究》,2008.09-10.08,负责人;






25. 青岛市科技专项《大沽河流域水资源优化利用与污染控制研究》,2001.11-03.05,负责人。


★ 代表性论文著作



1. 郑西来、王秉忱、佘宗莲.《土-水系统石油污染原理与应用研究》,地质出版社,2004.

2. 郑西来、程善福、林国庆、程桂福.《滨海地下水库利用与保护》,地质出版社,2007.

3. 郑西来主编.《地下水污染控制》(全国统编教材),华中科技大学出版社,2009.

4. 郑西来、王泉波.《水库锰污染机制与调控技术研究》中国海洋大学出版社,2015.

5. 王成见、郑西来、雒义全、程桂福、于诰方《大沽河地下水库水质演化与风险分析》中国海洋大学出版社2014.

6. 纪鸿飞郑西来.《水源型水库富营养化自动监测与控制技术研究》,中国海洋大学出版社2017.

7.Zheng Xilai, Halldor Amannsson and Li Yongle. Chemical equilibria of thermal waters from the Guanzhong basin, China. Journal of Geothermal and Volcanal Research, 2002, v.113: 119-127.

8.Xilai Zheng*, Bei-bei Shan, Lei Chen, et al. Attachment-detachment dynamics of suspended particle in porous media: Experiment and modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 511: 199-204.

9.Xin J, Tang F L, Zheng X L*, et al. Transport and retention of xanthan gum-stabilized microscale zero-valent iron particles in saturated porous media. Water Research, 2016, 88: 199-206.

10.Xin J, Tang F L, Zheng X L*, et al. Distinct kinetics and mechanisms of mZVI particles aging in saline and fresh groundwater: H2 evolution and surface. Water Research, 2016, 100: 80-87.

11.Junjie Zhang, Xilai Zheng*, Lei Chen, et al. Effect of residual oil saturation on hydrodynamic properties of porous media. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 515: 281-291.

12.Xia lu, Xilai Zheng*, Haibing Shao. Influences of environmental factors on bacterial extracellular polymericsubstances productionin porous media. Journal of Hydrology, 2014, 519: 3153–3162.

13.Lu Xia, Xilai Zheng*, Haibing Shao, et al. Effect of bacteria and the type of extracellular polymeric substances on aquifer materials. Journal of hydrology, 2016, 535: 293-300.

14.Jun Zhou, Xilai Zheng*, Markus Flury, Guoqing Lin. Permeability changes during remediation of an aquifer affected by sea-water intrusion: A laboratory column study. Journal of Hydrology, 2009, 376 (3-4): 557–566.

15.Zonglian She, Xilai Zheng, Granule development and performance in sucrose fed anaerobic battled reactors. Journal of Biotechnology, 2006, 122(2).

16.Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng*Jun Han, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Remediation of trichloroethylene by xanthan gum-coated microscale zero valent iron (XG-mZVI) in groundwater: effects of geochemical constituents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 271: 164-172.

17.Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng*, Jun Han, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Mechanism insights into enhanced trichloroethylene removal using xanthan gum-modified microscale zero-valent iron particles. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 150: 420-426.

18.Rongting Hu, Xilai Zheng*, Jia Xin, Zhaoyue Sun, Tianyuan Zheng. Selective Enhancement and Verification of Woody Biomass Digestibility as aDenitrification Carbon Source.Bioresource Technology. 2017(7).

19.Fenglin TangJia Xin, Tianyuan Zheng, Xilai Zheng, Xiupei Yang, Olaf KolditzIndividual and combined effects of humic acid, bicarbonate and calcium on TCE removal kinetics, aging behavior and electron efficiency of mZVIparticles.Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 324: 324–335.

20.Yanfei Ma, Xilai Zheng, S.H. Anderson, et al. Diesel oil volatilization processes affected by selected porous media. Chemosphere, 2014, 99: 192-198.

21.Chen Lei, Zheng Tianyuan, Zhang Junjie, Liu Jie, Zheng Xilai*. Effective control of modified palygorskite to NH4+-N release from sediment. Environmental Technology, 2014, 35(1): 60-69.

22.ZHENG Xilai*, CHEN Ran. Research on the Critical Conditions for Clay Particle Release During Saline Aquifer Freshening Process. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2014, 13(4): 628-636.

23.Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng*, Jun Han, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Remediation of trichloroethylene by xanthan gum-coated microscale zero valent iron (XG-mZVI) in groundwater: effects of geochemical constituents. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 271:164-172.

24.Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng*, Jun Han, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz. Mechanism insights into enhanced trichloroethylene removal using xanthan gum-modified microscale zero-valent iron particles. Journal of Environmental Management, 2015, 150: 420-426.

25.Lei ChenXilai Zheng*Tiejun WangJunjie Zhang. Influences of key factors on manganese release from soil of a reservoir shore. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22: 11801-11812.

26.Chen Lei, Zhang Junjie, Zheng Xilai*. Coupling Technique for Deep Removal of Manganese and Iron from Potable Water. Environmental Engineering Science, 2016, 33(4): 261-269.

27.Hui Peng, Xilai Zheng*, Lei Chen, Yang Wei. Analysis of Numerical Simulations and Influencing Factors of Seasonal Manganese Pollution in Reservoirs. Environmental science and pollution research, 2016, 23: 14362-14372.

28.Jun-Yuan Ji, Huan Wang, Ping Zheng, Ya-Juan Xing, Xi-Lai Zheng. Early-warning on the performance of high-rate anaerobic bioreactor. Separation and purification technology, 2016, 156: 103-107.

29.Jun Han, Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng*, Olaf Kolditz, Haibing Shao. Remediation of trichloroethylene-contaminated groundwater by three modifier-coated microscale zero-valent iron. Environmental science and pollution research, 2016, 23: 14442-14450.

30.Fenglin Tang, Jia Xin*Xilai Zheng*Olaf KolditzEffect of solution pH on aging dynamics and surface structural evolution of mZVI particles: H2 productionand spectroscopic/microscopic evidence. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res, 2017(8).

31.Zheng Xilai*, Wang Bingchen, Qiu Hanxue. A new geochemical reaction model for groundwater systems. Acta Geologica Sinica, 1999(1).

32.Zheng Xilai, Qiu Hanxue. Numerical analysis of aqueous oil transport and control in soil-water systems. Environmental Geology, 2001(6).

33.Zheng Xilai, K. –D Balke. A developed technique for calculating the mass transfer between contaminated groundwater and porous media. Environmental Geology, 2002(5-6). (SCI)

34.Yuxin Ma, Zheng Xilai. Synthesis of poly(dodecyl methacrylate)s and their drag-reducing properties. Journal of Apllied Polymer Science, 2003, V88.

35.Zheng Xilai, Wang Bingchen, Li Yuying. Studies of degradation kinetics of petroleum contaminants in soil-water systems. Geologica Sinica, 2004 (3). (SCI)

36. Wan Bingchen, Zheng Xilai*, Qian Hui. Numerical Analysis of Groundwater Recharge from a Partially Penetrating River under Riverside Pumping. Geologica Sinica, 2004 (3).

37.Li Yuying, Zheng Xilai*. Volatilization behaviors of diesel oil from the soils. Journal of Environmental Science, 2004, v16(6).

38.Xia Wenxiang, Zheng Xilai, Li Jincheng, Song Zhiwen, Zhou Li, Sun Haofen. Degradation of crude oil by indigenous microorganisms supplemented with nutrients. Journal of Environmental Science, 2005(4).

39.Juan Sun and X. Zheng*. A Review of Oil-Suspended Particulate Matter Aggregation- A Natural Process of Cleansing Spilled Oil in the Aquatic Environment. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2009, 11: 1801-1809.

40.Sun, J., A. Khelifa, X. Zheng, Z. Wang, S. Wong, L.L. So, A Laboratory Study on the Kinetics of the Formation of Oil-Suspended Particulate Matter Aggregates Using the NIST-1941b Sediment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2010, 60: 1701-1707.

41.Gao ZengwenZheng XilaiXu QinxuanResistance of the diffusive boundary layer to salt release from saline sediments to freshwater. Journal of Ocean University of China, 2008.01.01, 27(1): 23-28.

42.Hu Zhifeng, Dou Junfeng, Liu Xiang,Zheng Xilai, Deng Dong. Anaerobic biodegradation of benzene series compounds by mixed cultures based on optional electronic acceptors. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 2007, 19(9): 1049-1054

43.Xilai Zheng*, Junjie Zhang, Tianyuan Zheng, et al. A developed technique for measuring water content in oil-contaminated porous media. Environmental Earth Science, 2014, 71: 1349-1356.

44.Leyun WangXilai Zheng*Feifei TianJia XinHui Nai. Soluble organic nitrogen cycling in soils after application of chemical/organic amendments and groundwater pollution implications. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2018, 217: 43-51.

45. Jia XinFenglin TangJing YanChenghong LaXilai ZhengWei Liu. Investigating the efficiency of microscale zero valent iron-based in situ reactive zone (mZVI-IRZ) for TCE removal in fresh and saline groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 626: 638-649. 

46. Zhaoyue Sun, Tianyuan Zheng, Jia Xin, Xilai Zheng, Rongting Hu, Fazle Subhan, Haibing Shao. Effects of alkali-treated agricultural residues on nitrate removal and N2O reduction of denitrification in unsaturated soil. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 214: 276-282. 

47. Lu Yu, Xiaoqing Wu, Xilai Zheng*, Tianyuan Zheng, Jia Xin, Marc Walthe. An index system constructed for ecological stress assessment of the coastal zone: A case study of Shandong, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 232: 499-504.

48. Qinpeng Chang, Tianyuan Zheng*, Xilai Zheng*, Bo Zhang, Qiguo Sun, Marc Walther. Effect of subsurface dams on saltwater intrusion and fresh groundwater discharge. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 576: 508-519.

49. Qiguo Sun, Tianyuan Zheng*, Xilai Zheng*, Qinpeng Chang, Marc Walther. Influence of a Subsurface Cut-off Wall on Nitrate Contamination in an Unconfined Aquifer. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 575: 234-243.

50. Bo Zhang, Xilai Zheng, Tianyuan Zheng*, Jia Xin, Shuai Sui, Di Zhang. The influence of slope collapse on water exchange between apit lake and a heterogeneous aquifer. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(2): 20.

51. Min Li, Tianyuan Zheng*, Jian Zhang, Yunhai Fang, Jiang Liu, Xilai Zheng*, Hui Peng. A New Risk Assessment System Based on Set PairAnalysis – Variable Fuzzy Setsfor Underground Reservoirs. Water Resources Management, 2019, 33(15): 4997-5014.

52. Huan Wang, Jia Xin*, Xilai Zheng*, Min Li, Yunhai Fang, Tianyuan Zheng. Clogging evolution in porous media under the coexistence of suspendedparticles and bacteria: Insights into the mechanisms and implications forgroundwater recharge. Journal of Hydrology, 2020, 582: 124554.

53. Lu Yu, Tianyuan Zheng*, Xilai Zheng*, Yujie Hao, Ruyu Yuan. Nitrate source apportionment in groundwater using Bayesian isotopemixing model based on nitrogen isotope fractionation. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 718: 137242.

54. Hui Nai, Jia Xin*, Yang Liu, XilaiZheng*, Zhiwei Lin. Distribution and molecular chemodiversity of dissolved organic nitrogen in the vadose zone-groundwater system of a fluvial plain, northern China: Implications for understanding its loss pathway to groundwater. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 723: 137928.

55. Ruyu Yuan, Tianyuan Zheng*, Xilai Zheng, Dongsheng Liu, Jia Xin, Lu Yu, Guanqun Liu. Identification of groundwater nitrate pollution sources inagricultural area using PCA and SIAR methods. Episodes2020.


★ 学术任职











★ 奖励荣誉











通讯地址:青岛市松岭路238号中国海洋大学环境科学与工程学院 A412



