美国佐治亚州立大学Peng George Wang教授来我院进行学术交流


    10月26日下午,美国佐治亚州立大学王鹏(Peng George Wang)教授应我院于广利教授的邀请,在B楼学术厅进行了一场主题为“Chemical Biology of Carbohydrate and Glycolibrary”的精彩报告。



Peng George Wang, Professor,Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University.
Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) Eminent Scholar,endowed chair professor in carbohydrate chemistry and glycobiology; AAAS Fellow (The American Association for the Advancement of Science fellow, November 2012
Research Focus: Glycoscience with emphasis on microbial glycobiology and glyco-chemistry, glycomics, glyco-immunology, carbohydrate chemistry and glyco-pharmaceutical science. Carbohydrate-based vaccines, drugs and immunotherapy. Biosynthetic pathway and enzymology of complex carbohydrate polymers, glycoproteins and glycolipids. Biosynthetic pathway engineering of natural products. Structural and mechanism-based design and synthesis of inhibitors and ligands. Chemistry and biochemistry of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species. Green chemistry. Up to now, Prof. Wang Published 270 papers.