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Return the completed spreadsheet by email to ron.champion@uwaterloo.ca',0 7> 4. Give Ron a printed copy of this spreadsheet when he visits. 7x 5. To whom should we report the test results at your university? Please provide up to 3 names and email addresses below:Pq 7 Thank you for your help! 7Renison Test Date 7Zhang �Peng 7� 1. Please provide the requested information for each student that you expect will write the Renison English test. See example on line 15.r 7  7B2. Please do not add, delete, or change the format of any columns. � atom77@hotmail.com �1. 72. 73. 7Date of Birth day/month/year 7Gender 7Email (not qq.com) 7 University 7 Given Name 7 Family Name 7Student Number 7 Current Major 7 male 7Physics 7� Please note: it is ok if students not on the list write the test, and it is ok if students on the list decide not to write the test. 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