

  • 1. Site selection for the validation of wide-swath interferometric altimeter in the South China Sea International Journal of Remote Sensing 2022 SCI 第二作者
  • 2. A Simulation Experiment on In-situ Observation of Short-wavelength Scale dynamic processes and Potential Applications to Wide-swath Interferometric Altimetry Validation IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2021 SCI 第二作者
  • 3. A Glider Simulation Model Based On Optimized Support Vector Regression for Efficient Coordinated Observation Frontiers in Marine Science 2021 SCI 第一作者
  • 4. Inversion of the three-dimensional temperature structure of mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Pacific based on deep learning Acta Oceanologica Sinica 2021 SCI 第一作者
  • 5. Calibration of an Airborne Interferometric Radar Altimeter over the Qingdao Coast Sea, China Remote Sensing 2020 SCI 通讯作者
  • 6. A regional parameterisation method for oil spill risk assessment in Beibu Gulf Ocean Engineering 2020 SCI 第一作者
  • 7. Altimetry-derived Ocean Thermal Structure Reconstruction for the Bay of Bengal Cyclone Season  OCEAN DYNAMICS 2020 SCI 第一作者
  • 8. The Difference of Sea Level Variability by Steric Height and Altimetry in the North Pacific Remote Sensing 2020 SCI 通讯作者
  • 9. The response of cyclonic eddies to typhoons based on satellite remote sensing data for 2001–2014 from the South China Sea OCEANOLOGIA 2019 SCI 第一作者
  • 10. Risk assessment of oil spill in the Chinese Bohai Sea for prevention and readiness Marine Pollution Bulletin 2018 SCI 第一作者
  • 11. Lossless Data Compression based on Adaptive Linear Predictor for Embedded System of Unmanned Vehicles Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 2017 SCI 第一作者
  • 12. Design of a low -cost oil spill tracking buoy JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 2017 SCI 第一作者
  • 13. A Correction Method for UAV Helicopter Airborne Temperature and Humidity Sensor MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2017 SCI 第三作者/通讯作者
  • 14. An improved Otsu method for oil spill detection from SAR images OCEANOLOGIA 2017 SCI 第一作者
  • 15. Design and implementation of atmospheric multi-parameter sensor for UAV -based aerosol distribution detection SENSOR REVIEW 2017 SCI 第一作者
  • 16. Calibration of backward-in- time model using drifting buoys in the East China Sea OCEANOLOGIA 2017 SCI 第一作者
  • 17. A damped Newton variational inversion method for SAR wind retrieval JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH- ATMOSPHERES 2017 SCI 第三作者