第六十八讲:Prof. Venu Ittekkot: Capacity Development Initiatives: the International Context and the New Opportunities
发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2016-12-14   动态浏览次数:769



讲座题目Capacity Development Initiatives: the International Context and the New Opportunities

主讲人Professor Venu Ittekkot



报告摘要The context of capacity development and the needed interventions have changed with time. With issues of climate and other global changes as well as UN’s Development Agenda 2030 taking center stage in international discussions on sustainable development, capacity development for ocean studies have become a bit more complex. Simultaneous efforts are needed in a wide range of fields such as education, research and technology development as well as policy and awareness creation at national regional and international levels. With more and more nations aspiring to reap better benefits from the oceans and seeking a more active role in setting regional and international agenda on the use of the oceans, there are opportunities for innovative approaches to build capacity within new partnerships and alliances..


主讲人Professor Venu Ittekkot简历

  B.Sc. (Chemistry, Kerala, India, 1965)
  M.Sc. (Geology, Moscow, Russia, 1973)
  Ph.D. (Geology & Geochemistry, Hamburg, Germany, 1980)
  D Sc. (Biogeochemistry, Hamburg, Germany, 1987)
Employment record
Since 2010:  Chair of the SCOR Committee for Capacity Building
2000 - 2010: (Director, Center for Tropical Marine Ecology, Bremen, German and Full Professor at the University of Bremen)
1993 - 2000: (Full Professor of Biogeochemistry & Director at the Institute of Biogeochemistry & Marine Chemistry, Hamburg University) 
1989 - 1993: (Senior Staff Research Scientist at the Institute of Biogeochemistry and Marine Chemistry, Hamburg University) 
1985 - 1989: (Staff Research Scientist at the Geological Paleontological Institute and Museum, Hamburg University)
1978 - 1985: (Research Scientist at the Geological Paleontological Institute and Museum, Hamburg University)
1974 - 1975: (Lecturer in Geology, University of Maryland, European Division)
1973 - 1974: (Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India) 
1965 - 1967: (Research Assistant, Therapeutic Pharmaceuticals, Bombay, India)


Venu Ittekkot教授在德国汉堡大学获得地球化学哲学博士学位及生物地球化学理学博士学位,1992年到2000年期间曾担任汉堡大学生物地球化学及海洋化学研究所所长,2000年至2010年任德国不来梅大学热带海洋生态学中心主任。其研究重点为河及河口营养物和有机物的通量及沿海和上升流体系。参与并领导了大约30个双边、多边研究探险队到达欧洲、南美洲、亚洲各个不同的海洋区域。在国际地圈与生物圈计划-全球海洋通量联合研究计划中的阿拉伯海研究过程中负责协调德方活动。

Venu Ittekkot教授还是一位著名的海洋社会活动家。他曾任国际科联环境问题科学委员会(ICSU-SCOPE)执行委员,德国ICSU-SCOPE委员会主席;他还担任过政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第二工作组(WGII)组长,负责并起草了第二及第三次评估报告。目前, Ittekkot教授是联合国教科文组织人与生物圈计划(MAB)国际协调理事会成员及联合国教科文组织政府间海洋委员会(UNESCO-IOC)委员,并负责该委员会顾问组的工作;此外,他还曾担任海洋科学委员会(SCOR)执委会特邀委员。目前,作为SCOR能力建设委员会(Steering Committee for Capacity Building)主席,他正致力于南美洲、非洲及东南亚等国家和地区的海洋能力建设工作。




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