第六十四讲:Recent Developments in Island and Martime Studies
发布人:系统管理员  发布时间:2016-10-27   动态浏览次数:793

报告题目Recent Developments in Island and Martime Studies

报告人  Philip Hayward

  间: 20161031日星期一上午9:00-11:00

  点: 文学与新闻传播学院会议室(322) 


This lecture will introduce the main organisationsand refereed journals in island and related maritime studies and will then provide an overview of recent concepts and debates in the discipline. Key areas that will be addressed include: Inclusivity and exclusivity in Island Studies; The concepte of the aquapelago - an integrated terrestrial and marine space created by livelihood activities; Expanded notions of islandness - including peninsular “almost islands”; Artificial islands and their integration with terrestrial and marine environments; Submergence, perspectives on sea level rise and its impacts.



Dr. Philip Hayward is the editor of Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures <www. shimajournal.com> and was founderand convenor of the Small Island Cultures Research Network (2004-2014). He holds adjunct professor positions at the University of Technology Sydney and Southern Cross University in Australia and has received a number of major external competitive grants. He has written and edited a number of books on island and related topics and has published articles in refereed journals such as Island Studies Journal, Urban Island Studies, Journal of Marine and Island Cultures, Cornish Studies and Locale. His recent research projects include studies of artificial island and canal developments in Australia’s Gold Coast, research on the salt dome islands of south western Louisiana, and research on the Amami Islands of southern Kyushu undertaken during a 6 month visiting professor position at Kagoshima University Centere for the Pacific Islands in April-October 2016.





联系人: 朱建君 15953298668
