原生动物学研究室(研究室主页链接请点击:http://sxcy.ouc.edu.cn/lplb/) Laboratory of Protozoology Team Leader: Prof. Weibo SONG | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
研究方向 空格围绕纤毛虫原生动物的多样性、细胞学、表观遗传学、基因进化、系统发育等基础生物学问题,主要研究包括:(1)聚焦在我国温带、亚热带-热带沿海自由生活类群,研究其区系、群落结构、生态学功能与地位、时空与地理分布;(2)探讨旋唇纲等高等分化类群无性生殖期间细胞器结构及模式的形成与个体发育;(3)探讨纤毛门内各纲-目-科级等高阶阶元间的亲缘关系及大尺度的系统发育与演化;(4)以四膜虫为材料,探讨以组蛋白翻译后修饰为主的表观遗传信息对基因表达和复制的调控机制;(5)开展纤毛虫各代表类群的DNA建库、纤毛虫学基因条形码技术的构建、标记性基因测序、纤毛虫大小核的基因进化及重要类群的组学信息分析。 研究队伍
宋微波 院士 E-mail: wsong@ouc.edu.cn Tel: 0532-82032283
胡晓钟 教授 E-mail: xiaozhonghu@ouc.edu.cn Tel: 0532-82031610 ![]()
高珊 教授 E-mail: shangao@ouc.edu.cn Tel: 0532-82031935 ![]()
高凤 教授 E-mail: gaof@ouc.edu.cn Tel: 0532-82031676 ![]()
马洪刚 高级实验师 E-mail: mahg@ouc.edu.cn Tel: 0532-82032606
刘宇杰 工程师 E-mail: liuyujie@ouc.edu.cn Tel: 13045026889
承担课题 国家自然科学基金重点项目:南中国海纤毛虫原生动物的区系与多样性研究(2015-2019) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄海沿岸的核残亚纲纤毛虫原生动物研究(2013-2016) 国家自然科学基金国际合作项目:纤毛虫多样性研究的合作网络建立(2012-2016) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄海近岸厌氧环境纤毛虫的生物多样性研究(2016-2019) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:南中国海叶咽纲和前口纲纤毛虫原生动物的研究(2015-2017) 国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目:利用纤毛虫模式动物四膜虫对表观遗传学的研究(2016-2018) 国家自然科学基金面上项目:以纤毛虫原生动物-嗜热四膜虫为模式:DNA复制延伸相关的表观遗传学研究(2015-2017) 国家自然科学基金青年项目:海洋纤毛虫具沟急游虫的基因组重组过程与进化探讨(2015-2017) 山东省自然科学基金青年项目:表观遗传信息对复制延伸过程及脆性位点表达的调控研究(2015-2017) 近期论文及成果 Gao, S., Liu, Y. (2012). Intercepting noncoding messages between germline and soma. Genes & development, 26(16), 1774-1779. Gao, S., Xiong, J., Zhang, C., Berquist, B. R., Yang, R., Zhao, M., Molascon, A. J., Kwiatkowski, S. Y., Yuan, D., Qin, Z., Wen, J., Kapler, G. M., Andrews, P. C., Miao, W., Liu, Y. (2013). Impaired replication elongation in Tetrahymena mutants deficient in histone H3 Lys 27 monomethylation. Genes & Development, 27, 1662-1679. Huang, J., Chen, Z., Song, W.*,Berger, H. (2014). Three-gene based phylogeny of the Urostyloidea (Protista, Ciliophora, Hypotricha), with notes on classification of some core taxa. Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 70, 337-347. Gao, F., Katz, L. A., Song, W.* (2014). Genome structure drives patterns of gene family evolution in ciliates, a case study using Chilodonella uncinata (Protista, Ciliophora, Phyllopharyngea). Evolution, 68, 2287-2295. Fan, Y., Pan, Y., Huang, J., Lin, X., Hu, X.*, Warren, A. (2014). Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of two novel brackish water hypotrich ciliates, with the establishment of a new genus, Antiokeronopsis gen. n.(Ciliophora, Hypotrichia). Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 61, 449-462. Gao, S., Lu, L., Bai, Y., Zhang, P., Song, W.,Duan, C. (2014). Structural and functional analysis of amphioxus HIFα reveals ancient features of the HIFα family. The FASEB Journal, 28, 1880-1890. Gao F., Gao S.*,Wang P., Katz L. A., Song W. (2014) Phylogenetic analyses of cyclidiids (Protista, Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia) based on multiple genes suggest their close relationship with thigmotrichids. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 75, 219-226. Gao F., Katz L. A. (2014) Phylogenomic analyses support the bifurcation of ciliates into two major clades that differ in properties of nuclear division. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 70, 240-243. Chen, X., Gao, F., Al-Farraj, S. A., Al-Rasheid, K. A., Xu, K, Song, W.* (2015). Morphology and morphogenesis of a novel mangrove ciliate, Sterkiella subtropica sp. nov.(Protozoa, Ciliophora, Hypotrichia), with phylogenetic analyses based on small-subunit rDNA sequence data. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 65, 2292-2303. Liu, W., Yi, Z., Lin, X., Li, J., Al-Farraj, S. A., Al-Rasheid, K. A., Song, W.* (2015). Morphology and molecular phylogeny of three new oligotrich ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from the South China Sea. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 174, 653-665. Liu, W., Yi, Z., Xu, D., Clamp, J. C., Li, J., Lin, X., Song, W.* (2015). Two new genera of planktonic ciliates and insights into the evolution of the family Strombidiidae (Protista, Ciliophora, Oligotrichia). Plos One DOI:10.1371 /journal.pone.0131726. Pan, H., Hu, J., Jiang, J., Wang, L., Hu, X.* (2015). Morphology and Phylogeny of Three Pleuronema Species (Ciliophora, Scuticociliatia) from Hangzhou Bay, China, with Description of Two New Species, P. binucleatum n. sp. and P. parawiackowskii n. sp. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology,63, 287-298. Luo, X., Gao, F., Al-Rasheid, K. A., Warren, A., Hu, X.*, Song, W. (2015). Redefinition of the hypotrichous ciliate Uncinata, with descriptions of the morphology and phylogeny of three urostylids (Protista, Ciliophora). Systematics and Biodiversity, 13, 455-471. Qu, Z., Pan, H., Hu, X.*, Li, J., Al-Farraj, S. A., Al-Rasheid, K. A., Yi, Z. (2015). Morphology and Molecular Phylogeny of Three Cyrtophorid Ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora) from China, including Two New Species, Chilodonella parauncinata sp. n. and Chlamydonella irregularis sp. n. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 62, 267-279. Song, W., Zhao, X., Liu, W., Hu, X.*, Al-Farraj, S. A., Al-Rasheid, K. A., Song, W., Warren, A. (2015). Biodiversity of oligotrich ciliates in the South China Sea: description of three new Strombidium species (Protozoa, Ciliophora, Oligotrichia) with phylogenetic analyses. Systematics and Biodiversity, 13, 608-623. Gao F., Roy S. W., Katz L. A. (2015) Analyses of alternatively processed genes in ciliates provide insights into the origins of scrambled genomes and may provide a mechanism for speciation. mBio 6:e01998-14. Huang, J., Luo, X., Bourland, W. A., Gao, F.*, Gao, S.*(2016). Multigene-based phylogeny of the ciliate families Amphisiellidae and Trachelostylidae (Protozoa: Cilioph-ora: Hypotrichia). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 101, 101-110. Gao, F., Warren A., Zhang Q., Gong J., Miao M., Sun P., Xu D., Huang J., Yi Z., Song W.* (2016) The all-data-based evolutionary hypothesis of ciliated protists with a revised classification of the phylum Ciliophora (Eukaryota, Alveolata). Scientific Reports. 6, doi: 10.1038/ srep24874. 其他