

Laboratory of Viral & Microbial Diversity
Team Leader: Prof. Min WANG

1. 近海和远洋环境中浮游病毒及微型生物群落生态学 
2. 海洋病毒的多样性与组学信息库构建 
3. 海洋病毒与赤潮生物的相互作用与关系 

1. Ecological study of viral and microbial community in China Marginal Seas and in pelagic environment including Mariana Trench, Antarctic and Arctic
2. Diversity of marine viruses and omics information database construction 
3. The interaction between marine viruses and red-tide




 汪岷 教授

 E-mail: minwang@ouc.edu.cn  




 姜勇 副教授

 E-mail: yongjiang@ouc.edu.cn  



 邵红兵 硕士






 郭萃 副教授

 E-mail: guocui@ouc.edu.cn  



 梁彦韬 教授

 E-mail: liangyantao@ouc.edu.cn



 贺惠 讲师

 E-mail: hehui@ouc.edu.cn



· 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目1项
· 国家海洋局专项4项


1.Y.Liang , X.Bai, Y.Jiang, M.Wang*, J.He*, A.McMinn. (2016) Distribution of marine viruses and their potential hosts in Prydz Bay and adjacent Southern Ocean, Antarctic. Polar Biol. 39(2):365-378. DOI:10.1007/s00300-015-1787-8.

2. Duo-bing Wang, Meng-qi Sun, Hong-bing Shao, Yan Li, Xue Meng, Zhao-yang Liu, Min Wang*. (2015) Characterization and Genome Sequencing of a Novel Bacteriophage PH101 Infecting Pseudoalteromonas marina BH101 from the Yellow Sea of China. Curr Microbiol, 71(5):594–600 .

3. Duo-bing Wang, Yan Li, Meng-qi Sun, Jin-peng Huang, Hong-bing Shao,Qi-lin Xin, Min Wang*. (2016) Complete Genome of a Novel Pseudoalteromonas Phage PHq0. Curr Microbiol, 72(1):81-87.

4. Xue Song , Zhimeng Xu , Qian LiuYan LiYu MaJian WangMengran SunHongbing ShaoHui SunGill MalinYong Jiang and Min Wang*.(2016) Comparative study of the composition and genetic diversity of the picoeukaryote community in a Chinese aquaculture area and an open sea area, Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. DOI: the10.1017/S0025315416000205

5. Jiang Y., Liu Q., Yang E.J., Wang, M., Kim T.W., Cho K.H. & Lee S.H. (2015) Pelagic ciliate communities within the Amundsen Sea coastal polynya and adjacent sea ice zone, Antarctica. Deep-Sea Research Part II.DOI: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.04.015

6. Yan Li, Min Wang*, Qian Liu, Xue Song, Duobing Wang, Yu Ma, Hongbing Shao, Yong Jiang.(2015) Complete Genomic Sequence of Bacteriophage H188: A Novel Vibrio kanaloae Phage Isolated from Yellow Sea. DOI 10.1007/s00284-015-0984-6

7. Min Wang, Yantao Liang, Xiaoge Bai et al,.(2010) Distribution of microbial populations and their relationship with environmental parameters in the coastal waters of Qingdao, China. Environ Microbiol, 12(7): 1926-1939.

8. Qun Yan, Min Wang*, Xiaoge Bai et al,.(2010) New phylogenetically distinct cyanophages found in the coastal Yellow Sea by Qingdao. Acta virologica, 544):265270.

9. Bai XiaogeWang Min*, Liang Yantao et al,. (2012) Distribution of microbial populations and their relationship with Environmental Variables in the North Yellow Sea, China.Journal of Ocean University of China, 11(1): 7585.

10. 夏骏, 汪岷*., 宫政, 姜勇, 马玉, 汪俭, 邵红兵, 王多兵, 许志梦 . 2016. 以宏基因组技术探讨渤海秋冬季节病毒多样性. 海洋与湖沼,47(3):572-580.

11.  马玉, 汪岷*, 夏骏, 宫政, 宋雪, 刘倩, 李岩, 姜勇, 邵红兵, 张耀元. 2016. 秦皇岛褐潮期超微型浮游生物丰度及多样性研究. 中国海洋大学学报, 46(6) :142-150. 

12. 孙辉, 汪岷*, 汪俭, 宋雪, 邵红兵, 甄毓. 2014. 养殖活动对超微型浮游生物分布影响的研究. 海洋与湖沼, 45(6): 1272-1279.

13. 王健, 汪岷*, 刘哲, 刘东艳, 杨琳, 卢龙飞, 王艳, 孙辉. 2014. 渤海浮游病毒的时空分布. 海洋与湖沼, 44(6): 1597-1603.

14. 王艳, 汪岷*, 杨琳, 卢龙飞, 王健, 孙辉. 2013. 南黄海秋季浮游病毒丰度分布及其与宿主和环境因子的相关性研究. 海洋与湖沼, 44(1): 198-204.

15. 杨琳, 汪岷*, 刘冠群等. 胶州湾微微型浮游植物丰度及其与环境因子的相关性分析. 海洋与湖沼, 2012, 43(5): 967-975.


