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Through the study of the course, MTA students learn to identify and judge various academic misconduct phenomena in the process of scientific research and thesis writing, consciously maintain academic fairness and integrity, consciously resist various scientific research misconduct behaviors, and maintain a good academic ecosystem. The main contents of this course include: the concept and relationship of scientific research integrity, academic ethics and academic norms, the moral requirements and code of conduct of scientific research, the analysis of the causes of academic misconduct, the relevant international and domestic policies and systems, the analysis of academic anomie, the measures to resist and punish academic misconduct, etc.� � 7�  ,g��� z�Ǐt�����0Hh�OYef[�T�����v�~T ��cGSMTAf[u�[f[/gS��_0�yxڋ�O0f[/gĉ��v���w z�^0�Ǐ�� z�vf[`N �MTAf[u(W�yxN���e�Q\OǏ z-N �f[Ou+R�T$R�eT�yf[/g N�z�sa� ��ɉ�~�bf[/glQs^Nڋ�O ��ɉ�b�_T�y�yx N�zL�:N ��~�bo�}Y�vf[/gu`�|�~0,g��� z;N���Q�[S�b��yxڋ�O0f[/gS��_0f[/gĉ��v�i�_NsQ�| ��yf[xvz�vS��_��BlNL�:N�QR �f[/g N�z�Nu�v�S�VVR�g ��VE��T�V�Q�vsQ?eV{N6R�^ �f[/g1Y��sa�R�g ��b6RN�`bf[/g N�z�v�c�eI{0> 7�� z���e 7Ux�X 7�{tf[b� �e8n�{tUx�XYe��-N�_�MTA)�:6/ �/�0�o0E�0�k3A>Ucc�u �PK!����[Content_Types].xml���N�0E�H���-J��@%�ǎǢ|�ș$�ز�U��L�TB� l,�3��;�r��Ø��J��B+$�G]��7O٭V���&vDJ��]j�w� );�ɱ@��i�K��z(�H�^�_�6E�� rW+R�j��!-b_$����� ��r�aB�c�aiǯ]��N�4��wG��.���( e)��s,���~p��'��T젎K��T*"�a$.� ��l�x�$|�Q%���&��U�6+ "��(��&`w�O�w*�(*�xNk !�K�w�hLJBv2���Q$$<��U��Wv�T�NaD�[�n�� �� �n�9y4.'����^�_�\��[�f�Y���Ҝ�鳱���5 ��?:|�Z�횅7�o�q�k� �A���~0�B-�����^omu�^�r|s ߪ���- �A1%�t ]m4���Ֆ� �Nx�Q�� �KTCY]j� K�ZK��P@�$I=9��P�]Dɘ�D�TӠ����P ֆԌ�8�dǿ�!�K��_����3��������>������G?�,��F������O���}���Wn�0����o�~��>Z2z���?�?}��������hl�G$�»�O�;,������񘿙�(FIJ@1�v����ޜ#���c;x�8H� xm���:��L��7��1F�w���ˈ�h�F������A��5w�Vj�� ���\vclѼMQ*Q�S,=��M1v��>!V\�H��`��'�>"ΐ���*���I /sAH���{�>��U�𱍄 ����S+���L���r�j���Er8灉� ��0e^?�B�lnqX��� ��yb#�$S��CĘ��i7FI��I�؏�Jy��t����C�w�J7���V������&�e��'3���5̬���a�2 �^'$=S����v���ĹyV�z�?(�=4Koc��-�B�Wh��Л������J��`~����d��{B(�9ŇB��4�p��N_:qy�b��v2L`�"���Ǚ���x� N�5_9�D�:^����ӷ��Yr����Y��f.��x�Q�ÍA��fky�*�k����.(�7!aLf��v�h-U����� �W�VX�,.+��T��jeV�������7�`FpmB�*Oy����|���L���R���e�ۊ�����v�L[$�r�I���&b�:��yh�i��˔Z�T(�X4Z����Es v��@SS)h�t��vJ&@Yǟ��>&ԎP'[D#x�H�o��(Kƅ�!�ע��AB$�%I�W�/�@S�!�[m �%�Yy��A��$���L�1�"��ϵ��T�_�,� �=��oLg��k�j*�!����G3$�V��e��4�Bv�ׂ���qD����������10�k��!)�8R � ��Mˮ�s��u�6R�3Ds�3-UQ]ӭb� �6�ˋ5y��"��.��K���Z�rN(�����랣!Ԗ�Y��uV�]�ڽc��3���I��\�]�[�#�����:?حV- M�Ji�Å� ?������B�~?�DC}&)eC�����PK! ѐ��'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels��M �0���wooӺ�&݈Э���5 6?$Q�� �,.�a��i����c2�1h�:�q��m��@RN��;d�`��o7�g�K(M&$R(.1�r'J��ЊT���8��V�"��AȻ�H�u}��|�$�b{��P����8�g/]�QAsم(����#��L�[������PK-!����[Content_Types].xmlPK-!�֧��6 0_rels/.relsPK-!ky���theme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!�&ϟ�6�theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-! ѐ��'�theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]� ���� ZO��  a�l  d����MbP?_*+��%�����&�������?'(��8��8�?)M.Microsoft Print to PDF�P/ � 4dXXA4����GIS4DINU"�$,?]{~�SMTJ�{084F01FA-E634-4D77-83EE-074817C03581}RESDLLUniresDLLPaperSizeA4OrientationPORTRAITResolutionResOption1ColorModeColor,V4DM� p"��O4�wM��H�5��L*@VDocumentUserPasswordDocumentOwnerPasswordDocumentCryptSecurity�" d,,��8��8�?��8��8�?�&��8U} E} �} t} �} �} �  �@ ��@ ��@ ��@ ��@ ��@ ��@ ��@ ��@ �@ �@ �@ �@ �@ �@ �@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@�@� @� @� @�@�@�@b@� _�`````� A� J&� A� a1�bbCCCCC � A� b� bb� A� B�CCCCC � A� b�bbbbCCCCC � A � B � A � B0� A � D/�EECCC � A ~ B0@� A~ Z�?�ZZCCCCC � A� J%� A� Z�ZZCCCCC � A� B� A� Z�ZZCCCCC � AB� A�ZZZCCCCC � Y� M.� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� M-� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� FN� N� N� N� N� Y� M'� N� N� N� N� Y� N� N� N� N� N� Y� [� \� F� F� FY� ]^� G� H ~ H��@� Y!� F"� Y#� Y� Y� Y� N~ I�?� M)� NNN� N~ I@� M*� N� N� N� N~ I@� M+� N� N� N� N~ I@� X,� N� N� N� K$� O(�PPPQ�LRSSST�LUVVVW�Bx X"PZ8hPPP@TTTTTTTTTPTTTLT:TTT.>�@<FV��R�   ����    � 7gg����D @�=e+��� ��՜.��+,��D��՜.��+,����HP X`hp x �� Sheet0 ������d ?GKSOProductBuildVer�2052-�� ���� �FMicrosoft Excel 2003 ������DocumentSummaryInformation8������������TCompObj������������i������������������������Biff8Excel.Sheet.8�9�q