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Main contents: 1. Theoretical understanding of academic ethics and norms. 2. Basic situation of Graduate education in China; 3. Some cases and relevant regulations and policies; 4. General manifestations of academic misconduct; 5. Basic requirements of academic ethics. The second lecture: accounting discipline research standards: Main contents: 1. The basic process and law of scientific research and experiment development; 2.Scientific research methods, empirical analysis methods and normative theoretical analysis methods; 3. The difference between major and discipline; 4. The difference between accounting, auditing and financial management majors; 5. Whether accounting is suitable for the use of case analysis to study problems, and general rules for the writing of accounting, auditing and financial management papers; 6. Main problems and solutions in academic research on accounting, auditing and financial management. The third lecture: normative research issues in business management, marketing management and other related disciplines. Main contents: 1. Academic requirements for graduate training and graduation of business management majors; 2.Basic writing standards for academic papers of enterprise management major; 3. Basic writing standards for dissertation of enterprise Management major; 4. Requirements of academic standards in academic paper writing and analysis of typical cases; 5. Requirements of academic standards in dissertation writing and analysis of typical cases; 6. Summary. The fourth lecture: Normative research of tourism management discipline. Main contents: 1. Historical evolution and future direction of tourism management discipline research; 2. Current situation and existing problems of academic ecology of tourism management; 3. Typical case analysis of misconduct in academic research; 4. How do graduate students do academic research well? The fifth lecture: issues related to research norms of agricultural and forestry economic management (research on creativity), main contents: 1.Creation definition and creation source 2. Basic elements of creative research; 3. The specific process of creative thinking; 4. Basic methods of creative research and cultivation of creative ability; 5. 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