Domestic Exchange


Release time:2021-08-22

Number of views:338

On July 9, a delegation led by Liu Yong, Vice President of the University, investigated the Olin College of Northeast Forestry University. Li Shunlong, Vice President of Northeast Forestry University, Liu Zhiming, President of Olympic College, and Yu Yang, Secretary of the Party Committee met with Liu Yong and his delegation, and the two sides had in-depth exchanges on the operation and management mechanism, faculty building, talent training and other work of Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools. Qin Shanghai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Haide University, Chen Zhonghong, Executive Deputy Director of the Office of the University's Anniversary, and Wen Haishen, Vice President of the Fisheries Institute accompanied the survey.

At themeeting, Li Shunlong welcomed the arrival of Liu Yong and his delegation. He briefly introduced the development process of Northeast Forestry University in the past 70 years, focusing on the Sino foreign cooperation in running schools and international cooperation and exchange of Northeast Forestry University. He said that the survey conducted by Ocean University of China would be of great benefit to the construction and development of the Sino foreign cooperative school running institution of Northeast Forestry University. The survey reflected the profound friendship between the two universities, and he expected more exchanges and cooperation between the two universities.  

Liu Yong thanked Northeast Forestry University and Olympic College for their warm reception and meticulous arrangements, and congratulated Northeast Forestry University on its 70th anniversary. He briefly introduced the construction and development of the school, and focused on introducing the construction of the school's Sino foreign cooperative educational institutions and projects, as well as international cooperation and exchanges. He pointed out that Ocean University of China and Northeast Forestry University are both universities with distinctive characteristics. They have a profound friendship and their talent cultivation concepts have many similarities. In terms of the construction of Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools, the two sides are expected to conduct in-depth discussions and cooperation in terms of school running concepts, management and operation mechanisms, quality assurance systems, and management of teachers and students.

At the meeting, Yu Yang, Secretary of the Party Committee of Olympian College, introduced the characteristic practices and work results of the college's party building work from the aspects of strengthening the overall leadership of the Party, strengthening the direction of school running, strengthening the ideological guidance, and playing the role of a party member. President Liu Zhiming introduced the overall work of the College from the aspects of college operation and management, faculty construction, talent training, etc.

Qin Shanghai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Haide University, introduced the work of Haide University in strengthening the party building, management and operation mechanism, and faculty building of Chinese foreign cooperatively run schools. He said that the excellent experience and achievements of Olin College in Sino foreign cooperative education deserve in-depth study by Haide College. This exchange has opened up new ideas for the construction of Haide College. He hoped that both sides can strengthen exchanges and discussions to create better achievements in the construction of Sino foreign cooperative education institutions.

At the meeting, the two sides conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the characteristic practices, advanced experience and difficulties and problems encountered in the operation of Chinese foreign cooperation in running schools. The two sides expressed their willingness to further deepen exchanges and cooperation to promote the common development of the two universities.

After the symposium, accompanied by Li Shunlong, Liu Yong and his delegation visited the school running space of Olympian College.

Zhao Lihua, Vice President of Olympian College, Luo Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, and heads of the General Office, Development and Cooperation Office and other departments attended the event.