
邮箱: lixiyao@ouc.edu.cn
· 学习经历
· 工作简历
2014.10-12,Macquarie University,访问研究生
· 主持科研项目
(1) 华北和东北地区主要活动火山深部过程及岩浆动力学研究,国家重点研发计划课题(2022YFF0800704,2023-2027),专题负责人
(2) 新生代海底数字孪生能源资源模型,青岛海洋科学与技术国家实验室“十四五”重大计划课题(LSKJ202204403,2022-2025),专题负责人
(3) 秦岭-祁连结合部早古生代侵入岩成因及对东亚原特提斯演化的启示,山东省自然科学基金面上项目(ZR2021MD059,2022-2024)
(4) 北祁连东端早古生代基性火山岩成因及其构造意义,国家自然科学基金青年基金 (41602042,2017-2019)
(5) 中央财政专项基金,中国海洋大学高校基本科研业务费(201912026,2019-2021)
(6) 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目(2016M592244,2016-2018)
· 主要科研奖励
· 出版专著
(1) 2019年,李三忠,赵淑娟,索艳慧,刘博,李玺瑶,编著,《区域海底构造(上)》,北京:科学出版社.
(2) 2019年,李三忠,刘博,李玺瑶,李阳,索艳慧,编著,《区域海底构造(中)》,北京:科学出版社.
(3) 2020年,李三忠,郭玲莉,曹现志,李玺瑶,刘博,索艳慧,编著,《洋底动力学(动力篇)》,北京:科学出版社.
· 学科方向
· 研究方向
· 近期研究兴趣
· 论文收录情况
· 代表性论文
[1]. Li, X.Y., Li, S.Z., Yu, S.Y., Liu, Y.J., Qin, Z.W., Huang, Z.B., Lu, Q. 2023. Silurian to Early Devonian tectonic evolution of the southeastern Qilian Orogen inferred from zircon U–Pb dating and geochemistry of intrusive rocks. Journal of the Geological Society. https://doi.org/10.1144/jgs2022-162.
[2].Li X.Y., Li S.Z., Suo Y.H., Huang F., Wang P.C., Luan S.R., Zhou J. 2022. High-silica rhyolites in the terminal stage of massive Cretaceous volcanism, SE China: Modified crustal sources and low-pressure magma chamber. Gondwana Research, 102: 133-150.
[3]. Li X.Y., Li SZ., Yu S.Y., Liu Y.J., Liu Y.M., Guo X.Y., Zhao H., Zhao S.J. 2022. Petrogenesis of the Early Silurian Renda appinite suite in the southeastern Qilian Orogen, NW China: Implications for the evolution of a Proto-Tethys magmatic arc. International Geology Review, 64: 2743-2765.
[4]. Li X.Y., Li S.Z., Yu S.Y., Liu Y.J., Guo X.Y., Huang Z.B., Zhao S.J., Cao H.H. 2022. Cambrian–Silurian sediments in the southeastern Qilian Orogen, NE Tibetan Plateau: Constraints on crustal and tectonic evolution of microcontinents in the northern Proto-Tethys Ocean. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 232: 105122.
[5]. Li, X.Y., Li, S.Z., Wang, T.S., Dong, Y.P., Liu, X.G., Zhao, S.J., Wang, K., Sun, J.P., Dai, L.M., Suo, Y.H., 2020. Geochemistry and detrital zircon records of the Ruyang-Luoyu groups, southern North China Craton: Provenance, crustal evolution and Paleo-Mesoproterozoic tectonic implications. Geoscience Frontiers, 11, 679–696.
[6]. Li, X.Y., Li, S.Z., Huang, F., Wang, Y.M., Yu, S.Y., Cao, H.H., Xie, W.M., 2019. Petrogenesis of high Ba–Sr plutons with high Sr/Y ratios in an intracontinental setting: evidence from Early Cretaceous Fushan monzonites, central North China Craton. Geological Magazine, 156, 1965–1981.
[7]. Li, S.Z., Li, X.Y., Wang, G.Z., Liu, Y.M., Wang, Z.C., Wang, T.S., Cao, X.Z., Guo, X.Y., Somerville, I., Li, Y., Zhou, J., Dai, L.M., Jiang, S.H., Zhao, H., Wang, Y., Wang, G., Yu, S., 2019. Global Meso-Neoproterozoic plate reconstruction and formation mechanism for Precambrian basins: Constraints from three cratons in China. Earth-Science Reviews, 198, 102946.
[8].Li, X. Y., Li, S. Z., Yu, S. Y., Santosh, M., Zhao, S. J., Guo, X. Y., Cao, H. H., Wang, Y. M., Huang, Z. B., 2018. Early Paleozoic arc–back-arc system in the southeastern margin of the North Qilian Orogen, China: Constraints from geochronology, and whole-rock elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic geochemistry of volcanic suites. Gondwana Research, 59, 9–26.
[9]. Li, X. Y., Zheng, J. P., Xiong, Q., Zhou, X., Xiang, L., 2018. Triassic rejuvenation of unexposed Archean-Paleoproterozoic deep crust beneath the western Cathaysia block, South China. Tectonophysics, 724–725, 65–79.
[10].Li, X. Y., Li, S. Z., Suo, Y. H., Dai, L. M., Guo, L. L., Ge, F. J., Lin, P. J., 2018 Late Cretaceous basalts and rhyolites from Shimaoshan Group in eastern Fujian Province, SE China: age, petrogenesis, and tectonic implications. International Geology Review. 60, 1721–1743.
[11].Li, X. Y., Li, S. Z., Suo, Y. H., Somerville, I. D., Huang, F., Liu, X., Wang, P. C., Han, Z. X., Jin, L. J., 2018. Early Cretaceous diabases, lamprophyres and andesites-dacites in western Shandong, North China Craton: Implications for local delamination and Paleo-Pacific slab rollback. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 160, 426–444.
[12].Li, X. Y., Li, S. Z., Zhao, S. J., Somerville, I. D., Guo, X. Y., Yu, S. Y., Huang, Z. B., Cao, H. H., Huang, X. F., 2017. Geochronology and geochemistry of early-middle Silurian intrusive rocks in the Lanzhou–Baiyin regions, eastern part of Qilian Block, NW China: Source and tectonic implications. Geological Journal, 52, S1 286–297.
[13]. Li, X. Y., Zheng, J. P., Li, S. Z., Liu, B., Xiang, L., Wang, Y. M., Liu, X., 2016. Late Triassic orogenic collapse and Palaeo-Pacific slab roll-back beneath central South China: constraints from mafic granulite xenoliths and structural features. Geological Journal, 51, S1, 123–136.
[14]. Li, X. Y., Zheng, J. P., Sun, M., Pan, S. K., Wang, W., Xia, Q. K., 2014. The Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the interior of South China Block: Constraints from mantle xenoliths in Guangxi Province. Lithos, 210–211, 14–26.
[15]. Li, X. Y., Zheng, J. P., Ma, Q., Xiong, Q., Griffin, W. L., Lu, J. G., 2014. From enriched to depleted mantle: Evidence from Cretaceous lamprophyres and Paleogene basaltic rocks in eastern and central Guangxi Province, western Cathaysia block of South China. Lithos, 184–187, 300–313.