| 亚洲开发银行2020暑期实习申请正在进行中 - 中国海洋大学

国际组织 | 亚洲开发银行2020暑期实习申请正在进行中


The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate students to gain experience through research assignments based on ADB’s current operational needs.
ADB advertises internship assignments twice a year and welcomes motivated, open-minded, and self-directed individuals to apply.

The internship program offers the opportunity to:
  • work in a major international development organization;
  • work collaboratively with experienced professionals from over 50 different countries;
  • gain a deeper understanding of development finance and the impact of the work ADB does; and
  • contribute to ADB's business through research outputs.

Internship candidates must:
  • be enrolled in a Master's- or PhD-level program at a school in one of the ADB member nations, both prior to and after the internship assignment;
  • be engaged in academic study in a field directly related to ADB's work;
  • be a national of one ofADB's members;
  • possess an excellent command of English; and
  • have professional experience relevant to the assignment.
ADB does not accept applications fromclose relativesof ADB personnel.

The internship application process is online through theACES (http://aces.adb.org/). School registration and nomination is no longer required.
Application period for the 2020 Internship Program:
  • 1st batch: 15 July to 15 September 2019
On board: January 2020 onwards
  • 2nd batch: 1 December 2019 to 31January2020
On board: June 2020 onwards

Selection Process

Eligible candidates apply through the ACES (http://aces.adb.org/).
  • ADB announces the assignments on the website and candidates choose assignments of interest.
  • Candidates apply through ACES, prepare for their CVs and answer the essay questions.
  • All documents (CV and essay) are uploaded to ACES to complete application.
  • Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.
  • To avoid errors in submission, applicants are advised not to wait until the last day of the application period in submitting their internship applications.
  • ADB evaluates applications based on: eligibility requirements, relevance of academic study and work experience; and the level of interest and motivation to contribute to development work. ADB also considers institutional representation, gender, and nationality balance in the over-all intern selection process.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Current Opportunities

Title / Reference NumberDepartmentMore Information
Intern - Portfolio Management Division, PSOD - 2020-22 / 190710Private Sector Operations Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190710
Intern - Private Sector Investment Funds & Special Initiatives Division - 2020-23 / 190711Private Sector Operations Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190711
Intern - Office of the Auditor General - 2020-26 / 190714Office of the Auditor Generalhttps://www.adb.org/careers/190714
Intern - Sector and Project Division - 2020-20 / 190708Independent Evaluation Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190708
Intern - Human and Social Development Division, SARD - 2020-25 / 190713South Asia Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190713
Intern - Office of the Chief Economist and Director General, ERCD - 2020-19 / 190707Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190707
Intern - Social Sectors and Public Sector Management Division, PARD - 2020-21 / 190709Pacific Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190709
Intern - Economic Analysis and Operational Support Division - 2020-18 / 190706Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190706
Intern - Partner Funds Division - 2020-24 / 190712Sustainable Development and Climate Change Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190712
Intern - Regional Cooperation and Integration Division - 2020-17 / 190705Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190705
Intern - Results Management and Aid Effectiveness Division - 2020-27 / 190715Strategy, Policy and Partnerships Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190715
Intern - Safeguards Division - 2020-28 / 190731Sustainable Development and Climate Change Departmenthttps://www.adb.org/careers/190731


For questions related to internship, please email the ADB Internship Program.

More Information

