











[1] 1995.09–1999.07,大连理工大学,港口航道及治河工程,工学学士

[2] 2002.09–2007.10,大连理工大学港口、海岸及近海工程,工学博士(硕-博连读)


[1] 2007.10–2010.12,中国海洋大学工程学院海洋工程系,讲师

[2] 2011.01–2013.12,中国海洋大学工程学院海洋工程系,副教授

[3] 2014.01–今,    中国海洋大学工程学院海洋工程系,教授


[1] 海岸结构物水动力分析与设计方法

[2] 浮式结构物近场波浪干涉与共振

[3] 液舱晃荡问题

[4] 波浪与结构物相互作用的边界元分析


[1] 本科生:海岸工程学

[2] 研究生:海洋结构设计、论文写作与学术规范


[1] 2018/01–2022/12,新型海岸结构物水动力分析与设计方法,国家杰出青年科学基金

[2] 2016/10–2017/09,海岸工程研究领域青年科学家论坛,国家自然科学基金应急管理项目

[3] 2013/01–2016/12,近岸反射对半潜式Jarlan型开孔防波堤水动力特性的影响机理研究国家自然科学基金面上项目

[4] 2015/05–2015/10,透空式进海路上部结构波浪力模拟试验研究,中石化石油工程设计有限公司委托项目


[1] 中国海洋湖沼学会理事

[2] 水动力学研究与进展、Applied Ocean ResearchJournal of Hydrodynamics等期刊编委


[1] 2005年,开孔沉箱结构波浪力计算方法的研究与应用,教育部科技进步一等奖

[2] 2007年,开孔消浪沉箱结构波浪力计算方法的研究及应用,国家科技进步二等奖

[3] 2013年,新型消能式海上建筑物水动力分析方法与设计理论研究,教育部自然科学二等奖

[4] 2016年,海洋结构物浪致失稳破坏机理及安全防护研究,海洋工程科学技术一等奖

[5] 2016年,滩浅海新型构筑物及安全环保关键技术,教育部技术发明一等奖

[6] 2010年,全国百篇优秀博士论文提名奖

[7] 2013年,教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”

[8] 2014年,国家“万人计划”青年拔尖人才

[9] 2015年,教育部长江学者(青年学者)

[10] 2015年,山东省青年科技奖

[11] 2017年,中国海洋大学第十七届优秀硕士学位论文指导奖


[1] Liu  Yong, Li Hua-jun. Iterative multi-domain BEM solution for water wave  reflection by perforated caisson breakwaters. Engineering Analysis with  Boundary Elements, 2017, 77: 70–80.

[2] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun, Zhu Lei. Bragg reflection of water waves by multiple  submerged semi-circular breakwaters. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 56:  67–78.

[3] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin. Interaction between oblique waves and perforated  caisson breakwaters with perforated partition walls. European Journal  of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2016, 56: 143–155.

[4] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Oblique flexural-gravity wave scattering by a submerged  semi-circular ridge. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2016,  110(3): 259–273.

[5] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng. Predictive formulas in terms of Keulegan-Carpenter numbers  for the resistance coefficients of perforated walls in Jarlan-type  caissons. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 114: 101–114.

[6] Liu Yong, Faraci  Carla. Analysis of orthogonal wave reflection by a caisson with open  front chamber filled with sloping rubble mound. Coastal Engineering,  2014, 91: 151–163.

[7] Liu Yong, Li Hua-jun. Analysis  of wave performance through pile-rock breakwaters. Proc IMechE Part M:  Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2014, 228(3):  284–292.

[8] Liu Yong, Li Hua-jun. Wave scattering by dual submerged horizontal porous plates: Further results. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 81: 158–163.

[9] Liu Yong, Li Hua-jun. A  new semi-analytical solution for gap resonance between twin rectangular  boxes. Proc IMechE Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime  Environment, 2014, 228(1): 3–16.

[10] Liu Yong, Xie Lu-qiong, Zhang Zhe-han. Wave motion over a submerged Jarlan-type perforated breakwater. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(5): 96–102.

[11] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Analysis of oblique wave interaction with a submerged  perforated semicircular breakwater. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2013, 83(1): 23–36.

[12] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Wave reflection and transmission by porous breakwaters: A  new analytical solution. Coastal Engineering, 2013, 78, 46–52.

[13] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin. Interaction between obliquely incident waves and  an infinite array of multi-chamber perforated caissons. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2012, 74(1): 1–18.

[14] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun, Li Yu-cheng. A new analytical solution for wave scattering  by a submerged horizontal porous plate with finite thickness. Ocean Engineering, 2012, 42: 83–92.

[15] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Analysis of wave interaction with submerged perforated  semi-circular breakwaters through multipole method. Applied Ocean  Research, 2012, 34: 164–172.

[16] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun, Li Yu-cheng, He Shi-yan. A new approximate analytic  solution for water wave scattering by a submerged horizontal porous  disk. Applied Ocean Research, 2011, 33(4): 286–296.

[17] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng. Wave interaction with a wave absorbing double curtain-wall  breakwater. Ocean Engineering, 2011, 38(10): 1237–1245.

[18] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng. An alternative analytical solution for water-wave motion  over a submerged horizontal porous plate. Journal of Engineering  Mathematics, 2011, 69(4): 385–400.

[19] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin, Jiang Jun-jie, Ma Bao-lian. Total horizontal and  vertical forces of irregular waves on partially perforated caisson  breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, 2008, 55(6): 537–552.

[20] Liu Yong, Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin, Dong Sheng. Wave  motion over a submerged breakwater with an upper horizontal porous  plate and a lower horizontal solid plate. Ocean Engineering, 2008,  35(16): 1588–1596.

Liu Yong

Title: Professor

Department: Ocean Engineering

Address: College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

No. 238 Song-ling Road, Qingdao, P. R. China, 266100

Office Phone: 86-532-66783717

E-mail: liuyong@ouc.edu.cn


[1] 2002.9–2007.10, Dalian University of Technology, Ph.D. in Port, Coastal and offshore Engineering

[2] 1995.9–1999.7, Dalian University of Technology, Eng. B. in Port Channel and River Management Engineering

Work Experience

[1] 2014.01–Now, Professor, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

[2] 2011.01–2013.12, Associate Professor, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

[3] 2007.10–2010.12, Lecturer, College of Engineering, Ocean University of China

Research Interests

[1] Hydrodynamic analysis and design methods for coastal structures

[2] Wave interaction with floating structures

[3] Sloshing in water tanks

[4] Boundary element method for wave-structure interactions

Selected Publications

[1] Liu  Yong, Li Hua-jun. Iterative multi-domain BEM solution for water wave  reflection by perforated caisson breakwaters. Engineering Analysis with  Boundary Elements, 2017, 77: 70–80.

[2] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun, Zhu Lei. Bragg reflection of water waves by multiple  submerged semi-circular breakwaters. Applied Ocean Research, 2016, 56:  67–78.

[3] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin. Interaction between oblique waves and perforated  caisson breakwaters with perforated partition walls. European Journal  of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2016, 56: 143–155.

[4] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Oblique flexural-gravity wave scattering by a submerged  semi-circular ridge. Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, 2016,  110(3): 259–273.

[5] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng. Predictive formulas in terms of Keulegan-Carpenter numbers  for the resistance coefficients of perforated walls in Jarlan-type  caissons. Ocean Engineering, 2016, 114: 101–114.

[6] Liu Yong, Faraci  Carla. Analysis of orthogonal wave reflection by a caisson with open  front chamber filled with sloping rubble mound. Coastal Engineering,  2014, 91: 151–163.

[7] Liu Yong, Li Hua-jun. Analysis  of wave performance through pile-rock breakwaters. Proc IMechE Part M:  Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment, 2014, 228(3):  284–292.

[8] Liu Yong, Li Hua-jun. Wave scattering by dual submerged horizontal porous plates: Further results. Ocean Engineering, 2014, 81: 158–163.

[9] Liu Yong, Li Hua-jun. A  new semi-analytical solution for gap resonance between twin rectangular  boxes. Proc IMechE Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime  Environment, 2014, 228(1): 3–16.

[10] Liu Yong, Xie Lu-qiong, Zhang Zhe-han. Wave motion over a submerged Jarlan-type perforated breakwater. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2014, 33(5): 96–102.

[11] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Analysis of oblique wave interaction with a submerged  perforated semicircular breakwater. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2013, 83(1): 23–36.

[12] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Wave reflection and transmission by porous breakwaters: A  new analytical solution. Coastal Engineering, 2013, 78, 46–52.

[13] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin. Interaction between obliquely incident waves and  an infinite array of multi-chamber perforated caissons. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 2012, 74(1): 1–18.

[14] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun, Li Yu-cheng. A new analytical solution for wave scattering  by a submerged horizontal porous plate with finite thickness. Ocean Engineering, 2012, 42: 83–92.

[15] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun. Analysis of wave interaction with submerged perforated  semi-circular breakwaters through multipole method. Applied Ocean  Research, 2012, 34: 164–172.

[16] Liu Yong,  Li Hua-jun, Li Yu-cheng, He Shi-yan. A new approximate analytic  solution for water wave scattering by a submerged horizontal porous  disk. Applied Ocean Research, 2011, 33(4): 286–296.

[17] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng. Wave interaction with a wave absorbing double curtain-wall  breakwater. Ocean Engineering, 2011, 38(10): 1237–1245.

[18] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng. An alternative analytical solution for water-wave motion  over a submerged horizontal porous plate. Journal of Engineering  Mathematics, 2011, 69(4): 385–400.

[19] Liu Yong,  Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin, Jiang Jun-jie, Ma Bao-lian. Total horizontal and  vertical forces of irregular waves on partially perforated caisson  breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, 2008, 55(6): 537–552.

Liu Yong, Li Yu-cheng, Teng Bin, Dong Sheng. Wave  motion over a submerged breakwater with an upper horizontal porous  plate and a lower horizontal solid plate. Ocean Engineering, 2008,  35(16): 1588–1596.

