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The related referencer summary, innovation of research, exchange and communication are also discussed. According to the learning of this course, graduate students should grasp the basic methods and principles of writting, understand the requirement of acadeimc papers and thesis, and gain the the skills of reference summary, and research problem selection. This course shold provide the base for the acadeimc papers and thesis.YwƋBleYef[vh_Ǐ,g zvf[`N ^Of[uccf[/geQ\OvW,gelTSR NybeTkNf[MOeW,gBl ccQ\OevW,gNSYUO Te.sOo`h"} :Nf[udQf[/geTf[MOeSb No}YW@x0 SfNvfN TWQHr>yQHrt^NYef['Y~hT!kYef[Q[SbXc0[00ՋI{ if[/gevvv0R{|Syrp e.sNx f[/gev NRe XdT~ f[/gev~gNc~ f[/geN; f[/geĉ@?@ J K K K K K !J !K !K !K !K !K "J "K "K "K "K "K #J #K #K #K #K #K $J $K $K $K $K $K %J %K %K %K %K %K &J &K &K &K &K &K 'J 'K 'K 'K 'K 'K (J$ (K% (K (K (K (K )J )K )K )K )K )K *J *K *K *K *K *K +J +K +K +K +K +K ,J ,K ,K ,K ,K ,K -J -K -K -K -K -K .J .K .K .K .K .K /J /K /K /K /K /K 0J 0K 0K 0K 0K 0K 1J 1K 1K 1K 1K 1K 2J& 2J' 2J 2J( 2J) 2J*3JJJJJJ4JJJJJJ5JJJJJJ 6J+ 6J, 6J- 6J 6J 6J 7K.~ 7L? 7K/ 7K 7K 7K 8K.~ 8L@ 8K0 8K 8K 8K 9K.~ 9L@ 9K1 9K 9K 9K :K.~ :L@ :K2 :K :K :K ;K.~ ;L@ ;K3 ;K ;K ;K <K.~ <L@ <K4 <K <K <K =K.~ =L@ =K5 =K =K =K >K.~ >L @ >K6 >K >K >K ?K.~ ?L"@ ?K7 ?K ?K ?KDF lTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT@@A@B@C@D@E@F@GAHAIA @K.~ @L$@ @K8 @K @K @K AK.~ AL&@ AK9 AK AK AK BK.~ BL(@ BK: BK BK BK CK.~ CL*@ CK; CK CK CK DK.~ DL,@ DK< DK DK DK EK.~ EL.@ EK= EK EK EK FK.~ FL0@ FK> FK FK FK GM? 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