




筑峰人才工程第 二 层次






[1] 2006/9 - 2011/6,山东大学,岩土工程,工学博士

[2] 2002/9 - 2006/6,山东大学,土木工程, 工学学士

(其间: 吉林大学, 访学)


[1] 2019/01-今,         中国海洋大学海洋工程系,教授、博导

[2] 2015/12-2018/12,中国海洋大学海洋工程系,副教授、硕导

[3] 2014/01-2015/12,河海大学岩土工程学科,副教授、硕导

(其间:多伦多大学土木与矿业工程学院, 访问学者)

[4] 2011/07-2013/12,河海大学岩土工程学科,讲师、硕导



[1] 深海采矿岩土力学及海底采矿装备研发;

[2] 海上风电场冲刷致灾的预测-监测-防护-治理;

[3] 岛礁海底隧道工程安全与防灾减灾






[1] 2023.01-2027.12,国家杰出青年科学基金(52225107),海洋岩土力学与海底工程,主持;

[2] 2022.01-2025.12NSFC-山东联合基金(U2106224),海上风电桩基冲刷全过程的预测-监测-探测理论方法与防控新技术,主持;

[3] 2020.01-2023.12NSFC-山东联合基金(U1906234),深海多金属结核矿石采集作业车关键技术研究,课题主持;

[4] 2019.01-2021.12,国家优秀青年科学基金(51822904),深部岩土体流固耦合机理与工程灾害控制,主持;

[5] 2016.01-2019.12,国家自然科学面上基金(51579082),海底隧道开挖围岩动--渗耦合响应特性和诱发海水突出的机理研究,主持;


[7] 2016.07-2018.06,山东省重点研发计划( 2016GGX103009),深海海底土工特性原位长期监测设备研制,主持。

[8] 2019.10-2019.12,服务青岛产业发展重点学科建设项目,海底稀软底质矿开采新工艺,主持;

[9] 2023.11.17-2024.12.30,招商局海洋装备研究院测试加工服务项目,深海稀底行走力学分析与试验,主持;

[10] 2020.01-2023.12,中国电建集团华东院技术开发应用项目,海上风机基础局部冲刷的自动化实时监测与防护技术研究,主持。


[1] 2022年,海洋工程科技进步二等奖(排名第一);

[2] 2020年,青岛市青年科技奖;

[3] 2019年,山东省青年创新团队带头人-“深海采矿关键技术与装备”;

[4] 2019年,教育部科技进步二等奖;

[5] 2017年,中国科协青年人才托举工程入选者。

[6] 2017年,青岛市科技进步二等奖(排名第一);

[7] 2015年,山东省科技进步一等奖

[8] 2022年,天泰优秀人才奖;


[1] 科技部深海极地专项秘书组   副秘书长

[2] 山东省青年创新人才协会       副会长

[3] 山东省岩石力学与工程学会   副理事长

[4] EI期刊《岩土力学》               编   委


主要学术成果:发表论文100余篇,其中第一/通讯SCI 50篇,EI 20余篇;代表性论文如下:

[1] Chen Xuguang*, LiuXixi, Zhang Fengpeng, Zhang Xian, Li Kehu. Effects of seabed geotechnical properties on scour mechanism at the pile in non-cohesive soils: Experimental study [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 254:111032. (SCI: 1)

[2] Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Fengpeng, Liu Xixi, Li Hui, et al. Evolution process and hardening mechanism of consolidated silt in silty seabed subject to waves [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 125: 103214. (SCI: 2)

[3] Chen Xuguang*, Liu Jinzhong. Three-dimensional scour hole model and scour effects on the ultimate capacity of lateral loaded rigid piles [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 121:103115. (SCI: 2)

[4] Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Qiangyong, Li Shucai and Liu Dejun. Geo-Mechanical Model Testing for Stability of Underground Gas Storage in Halite During the Operational Period[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(7): 2795-2809. (SCI: 2)

[5] Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Ning, Ma Tianchi, et al. Energy-Based Forming and Anchoring Mechanism and Criterion for Zonal Disintegration[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 97:349-356. (SCI: 2)

[6]Chen Xuguang*, Li Tianbin, Xu Jianpeng, et al. Mechanism of Zonal Disintegration Phenomenon (ZDP) and Model Test Validation[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 88:39-50. (SCI: 2)

[7] Chen Xuguang*, Niu Xiaodong, Xu Qiyu; Qiu Zhenhua; Lu Guangkun; Xie Anqi. Method for Monitoring Scour Depth of Pile Foundations Based on Modal Identification[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30(7): 075008. (SCI: 2)

[8] Liu Jinzhong, Chen Xuguang*, Liu Xixi. A test method to study scour effects on the lateral response of rigid piles in sand under real scour conditions[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112292.(SCI: 1)

[9]Niu Xiaodong, Chen Xuguang*, Qiu Zhenhua, et al. Effects of Scour on the First Natural Frequency of Monopile in Different Layered Foundations[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022.(SCI: 1)

[10] Liu Xixi, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Ling, et al. Investigation on the ScourProperties of Pile Under the Current Considering the Geomechanical Parameters of Seabed: Time Scale[J], Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112175. (SCI: 1)

[11] Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao, et al. Experimental study of grouting protection against local scouring of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 258: 111798. (SCI: 1)

[12] Zhang Ning, Ma Ning, Yin Shiyang, Chen Xuguang*, Zhao Ming. Three-dimensional stress path in deep-sea sediment under the driving load of a nodule collector[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 253: 111312. (SCI: 1)

[13Niu Xiaodong, Lu Guangkun, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Huapeng. A method for structural damage detection considering scour depth under the pile-soil interaction[J]. Marine Structures, 2023, 88: 103365.(SCI: 1)

[14] LiuXixi, Jin Shuai*, Li Hui, Chen Xuguang*. Sediment incipient motion on sandy seabed considering relative density effect: Laboratory experiments and mathematical analysis, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 289: 116298.(SCI: 1)

[15] Zhang Fengpeng , Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao , Zhang Yangyang. Experimental investigation of the horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind-turbine monopiles with grouting protection against scouring[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 280: 114848.(SCI: 1)

[16] Luan Lubao, Chen Xuguang*, George Kouretzis, Xuanming Ding. Dynamic seabed stresses due to moving deep-sea mining vehicles[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2023,157: 105356.(SCI: 1)

[17] Wang Ling, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Lizhen, Li Zhigang, Yang Wendong. Mechanical properties and soil failure process of interface between grouser of tracked mining vehicle and deep-sea sediment[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285:115336.(SCI: 1)

[18] Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Yan Jiahao, Gao Xingzheng.Countermeasures for local scour around offshore wind turbine monopile foundations: A review[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2023, 141:103764.(SCI: 2)

[19] Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao, Zhang Yangyang, Guan Jinyang. Method to determine the ultimate horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind turbine monopiles with grouting protection against scouring[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 286:115638.(SCI: 1)

[20] Jin Shuai, Chen Xuguang*, Liu Xixi, et al. Research on benthic plume sedimentation characteristics and temperature effect in deep-sea nodule mining operation[J]. Marine Geology, 2023, 464: 107141.(SCI: 2)


[1] 陈旭光, 张凤鹏, 夏建新, 张宁, 王立振, 牛小东, 顾文旭, 张弦. 水力与机械组合式海底采矿装备. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201911139376.X

[2] 陈旭光, 牛小东, 王立振, 卢光坤. 一种海底集矿车抛载式沉陷脱困自救装置及其使用方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202110146028.6

[3] 陈旭光, 严加豪, 解安琪, 高兴政, 张凤鹏, 金小栋. 一种可自适应海上风电桩基冲刷坑形貌的支撑装置. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202210046799.2

[4] 陈旭光, 高兴政, 解安琪,严加豪, 张凤鹏,王华鹏. 一种具有微生态养殖功能的海上风电冲刷坑自修复装置. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202210034653.6

[5] 陈旭光,刘福顺,牛小东,邱振华,徐齐宇. 对海洋桩基周围土体的冲刷深度的检测方法.国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201811540316.4

[6] 陈旭光, 解安琪, 张凤鹏, 张宁, 刘金忠, 卢光坤, 刘学麟. 基于超短基线定位的桩基冲刷坑水下探测设备及方法.国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202111023220.2

[7] 陈旭光, 马庆松, 顾文旭, 李辉, 刘金忠, 徐齐宇. 吸力式桶形基础抗拔承载力检测装置及方法.国家发明专利.(授权号: Zl201910765749.8

[8] 陈旭光,牛小东,卢光坤,刘贵杰,夏建新,张宁.海底集矿车行走过程中沉陷脱困自救装置及其自救方法.国家发明专利.(授权号: Zl201911254013.0

[9] 陈旭光, 张凤鹏, 夏建新, 张宁, 魏强. 水力射流式海底多金属结核采集装置及方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201911139263.X

[10] 陈旭光, 李宗晏, 张凤鹏, 王阳, 解安琪, 金小栋. 一种基于海上风电诱捕鱼类的设备. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202210035735.2

[11] 陈旭光, 金帅, 解安琪, 刘茜茜, 张凤鹏, 严加豪. 一种冲刷坑阻水防护和泥沙回淤的设备. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202210036696.8

[12] 陈旭光, 王华鹏, 解安琪, 王阳, 牛小东, 卢广坤. 基于海上弃风电综合利用的一体化桩基设备及工作方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL202210068799.2

[13] 陈旭光, 牛小东, 夏建新, 张宁, 魏佳康, 卢光坤. 能够适应不同深海表层土体的采矿车专用履齿装置及方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201911139265.9

[14] 陈旭光,刘茜茜,孙宝石,田澄,张凤鹏,邱振华,徐齐宇. 针对海底管道冲刷灾害的注浆防护方法及其使用的注浆设备.国家发明专利.(授权号:  ZL201811265259.3

[15] 陈旭光, 张凤鹏, 刘贵杰, 卢光坤,夏建新, 张宁. 水力式海底多金属结核矿石采集机构及方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201911139264.4

[16] 陈旭光,马庆松,姜育科,许建朋,张明生.能消除土塞的海上风电的负压筒基. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610306762.3

[17] 陈旭光,顾文旭,冯涛,田澄,徐齐宇,邱振华,张凤鹏,孙宝石,牛小东.一种能旋转下贯的吸力式筒型基础.国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201711253347.7

[18] 陈旭光,许建朋,姜育科. 能下贯至海底面以下的吸力锚及其安装方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610306763.8

[19] 陈旭光, 孙宝石, 牛小东, 张凤鹏, 邱振华, 徐齐宇, 田澄, 顾文旭, 冯涛. 可自身旋转下贯的空心螺纹吸力锚. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201711253348.1

[20] 陈旭光, 姜育科, 许建朋. 海底双筒吸力锚. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610306765.7

[21] 陈旭光, 姜育科, 许建朋, 冯涛, 马天驰, 刘茜茜, 牛小东. 深海竹节式吸力锚. 国家发明专利.(授权号:  ZL201610523474.3

[22] 陈旭光,姜育科,王媛. 一种滑动式变尺寸刚性三轴仪. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610008691.9

[23] 陈旭光,姜育科. 制作半圆盘带裂隙面的类岩石试件的模具及制作方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610306759.1

[24] 陈旭光,马庆松,许建朋,姜育科,张明生. 适用于海洋风电能下贯至海底面以下的负压筒及安装方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610308046.9

[25] 陈旭光,王媛,李术才,倪小东,张强勇. 用于真三维模型试验的立体洞腔模型成型方法及装置. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201110337973.0

[26] 陈旭光,王媛,李术才. 用于岩石力学领域的类岩石试件模具. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201210097450.8

[27] 陈旭光. 用于地质力学模型试验的真三维滑动式变尺寸加载箱装置. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201210097395.2

[28] 陈旭光,王媛,李术才,张强勇,倪小东. 变截面立体洞腔模型制作模具及压制方法. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201110403481.7

[29] 陈旭光,马庆松,徐齐宇,刘金忠,李辉,顾文旭. 用于检测吸力桶抗拔承载力的方法.国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201910704972.1

[30] 陈旭光,姜育科,许建朋.能自动消除土塞的吸力锚. 国家发明专利.(授权号: ZL201610306763.8






冯    涛,中国海洋大学硕士生,山东省临沂市水利局( 选调生)







邱振华,中国海洋大学硕士生,山东省淄博市水利局( 选调生)

顾文旭,中国海洋大学硕士生,济南市莱芜区高庄街道办事处( 选调生)

田    澄,中国海洋大学硕士生,贵州省水利水电勘测设计研究院有限公司

张    弦,中国海洋大学硕士生,升学(攻读中国海洋大学博士学位)





魏    强,中国海洋大学硕士生,山东电力工程咨询院

丁    聪,中国海洋大学硕士生,武汉船舶设计研究院有限公司(701集团)





Name: Xuguang Chen

Title:Level-2 ProfessorDoctoral SupervisorObtain of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young ScholarsObtain of the National Science Fund for Outstanding Young ScholarsThe second level of Zhufeng Talent Project

Department: Department of Ocean Engineering, College of Engineering

Address: College of EngineeringOcean University of China

238 Songling RoadQingdaoP. R. China266100

E-mail: chenxuguang1984@ouc.edu.cn;


[1]2006/9 - 2011/6, Shandong universityGeotechnical and Structrual engineering,

Ph.D in Geotechnical Engineering

[2] 2002/9 - 2006/6, Shandong universitySchool of civil and hydraulic engineering, Eng.B. in Civil Engineering

Work Experience:

[1] 2019/01 - now, Ocean University of ChinaEngineering CollegeProfessorDoctoral Supervisor

[2] 2015/12 - 2018/12, Ocean University of ChinaEngineering CollegeAssociate ProfessorMaster's Supervisor

[3] 2014/01 - 2015/12, Hohai UniversityGeotechnical EngineeringAssociate ProfessorMaster's Supervisor

Meanwhile: University of Toronto, Visiting Scholar

[4] 2011/07 - 2013/12, Hohai UniversityGeotechnical EngineeringLectureMaster's Supervisor

Research directionmarine geotechnics and subsea engineering, mainly including:

[1] Geotechnics and development of mining vehicles for deep-sea mining (manganese nodules);           

[2] Scour protection for offshore wind farms and underwater prepositioned weapons;

[3] Engineering safety and disaster prevention of island tunnels.

The team welcomes students who are interested in the above areas to join


Soil Mechanics, Marine Soil Mechanics.

Academic awards

[1] In 2022, Second Prize of Ocean Engineering Science and Technology (ranked first);

[2] In 2020, Qingdao Youth Science and Technology Award;

[3] In 2019, Shandong Province Youth Innovation Team Leader - "Key Technologies and Equipment for Deep Sea Mining";

[4] In 2019, Second prize of science and technology progress award of Ministry of Education (ranked fourth);

[5] In 2017, selected for the China Association for Science and Technology Youth Talent Support Project;

[6]In 2017, Second prize of science and technology progress award of  Qingdao (ranked first);

[7] In 2015, First prize of Science and technology progress award of Shandong (ranked fifth);

[8] In 2022, Tiantai Excellent Talent Award;

Selected Publications:

More than 100 papers have been published, including nearly 50  papers of SCI (first author or corresponding author) and more than 20 papers of EI. The representative papers are as follows:

[1] Chen Xuguang*, LiuXixi, Zhang Fengpeng, Zhang Xian, Li Kehu. Effects of seabed geotechnical properties on scour mechanism at the pile in non-cohesive soils: Experimental study [J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 254:111032. (SCI: 1)

[2] Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Fengpeng, Liu Xixi, Li Hui, et al.. Evolution process and hardening mechanism of consolidated silt in silty seabed subject to waves [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 125: 103214. (SCI: 2)

[3] Chen Xuguang*, Liu Jinzhong. Three-dimensional scour hole model and scour effects on the ultimate capacity of lateral loaded rigid piles [J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2022, 121:103115. (SCI: 2)

[4] Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Qiangyong, Li Shucai and Liu Dejun. Geo-Mechanical Model Testing for Stability of Underground Gas Storage in Halite During the Operational Period[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(7): 2795-2809. (SCI: 2)

[5] Chen Xuguang*, Zhang Ning, Ma Tianchi, et al. Energy-Based Forming and Anchoring Mechanism and Criterion for Zonal Disintegration[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2018, 97:349-356. (SCI: 2)

[6] Chen Xuguang*, Li Tianbin, Xu Jianpeng, et al. Mechanism of Zonal Disintegration Phenomenon (ZDP) and Model Test Validation[J]. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2017, 88:39-50. (SCI: 2)

[7] Chen Xuguang*, Niu Xiaodong, Xu Qiyu; Qiu Zhenhua; Lu Guangkun; Xie Anqi. Method for Monitoring Scour Depth of Pile Foundations Based on Modal Identification[J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2021, 30(7): 075008. (SCI: 2)

[8] Liu Jinzhong, Chen Xuguang*, Liu Xixi. A test method to study scour effects on the lateral response of rigid piles in sand under real scour conditions[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112292.(SCI: 1)

[9]Niu Xiaodong, Chen Xuguang*, Qiu Zhenhua, et al. Effects of Scour on the First Natural Frequency of Monopile in Different Layered Foundations[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022.(已录用) (SCI: 1)

[10]Liu Xixi, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Ling, et. al. Investigation on the Scour Properties of Pile Under the Current Considering the Geomechanical Parameters of Seabed: Time Scale[J], Ocean Engineering, 2022, 262: 112175. (SCI: 1)

[11] Zhang Fengpeng , Chen Xuguang *, Feng Tao , et al.. Experimental study of grouting protection against local scouring of monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 258: 111798. (SCI: 1)

[12] Zhang Ning, Ma Ning, Yin Shiyang, Chen Xuguang*, Zhao Ming. Three-dimensional stress path in deep-sea sediment under the driving load of a nodule collector[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2022, 253: 111312. (SCI: 1)

[13Niu Xiaodong, Lu Guangkun, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Huapeng. A method for structural damage detection considering scour depth under the pile-soil interaction[J]. Marine Structures, 2023, 88: 103365.(SCI: 1)

[14] LiuXixi, Jin Shuai*, Li Hui, Chen Xuguang*. Sediment incipient motion on sandy seabed considering relative density effect: Laboratory experiments and mathematical analysis, Ocean Engineering, 2023, 289: 116298.(SCI: 1)

[15] Zhang Fengpeng , Chen Xuguang*, Feng Tao , Zhang Yangyang. Experimental investigation of the horizontal bearing capacity of offshore wind-turbine monopiles with grouting protection against scouring[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 280: 114848.(SCI: 1)

[16] Luan Lubao, Chen Xuguang*, George Kouretzis, Xuanming Ding. Dynamic seabed stresses due to moving deep-sea mining vehicles[J].Computers and Geotechnics, 2023,157: 105356.(SCI: 1)

[17] Wang Ling, Chen Xuguang*, Wang Lizhen, Li Zhigang, Yang Wendong. Mechanical properties and soil failure process of interface between grouser of tracked mining vehicle and deep-sea sediment[J]. Ocean Engineering, 2023, 285:115336.(SCI: 1)

[18] Zhang Fengpeng, Chen Xuguang*, Yan Jiahao, Gao Xingzheng.Countermeasures for local scour around offshore wind turbine monopile foundations: A review[J]. Applied Ocean Research, 2023, 141:103764.(SCI: 2)

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