国(境)外文教专家系列讲座一百七十五讲-赵雁翔:Supervised Optimal Transport |
一、主讲人介绍:赵雁翔教授 赵雁翔教授,2002年于大连理工大学应用数学系获得理学学士,2005年于大连理工大学应用数学系获得理学硕士专业,2011年于宾州州立大学获得数学博士学位。2011-2014年于加州大学圣地亚哥分校从事博士后工作。2014年至今于乔治华盛顿大学数学系工作。赵雁翔主要从事生物数学建模和计算数学的研究,论文发表在PRL, PNAS, SIAM Applied Math, JCP等顶级期刊上。
二、讲座信息 Optimal Transport, a theory for optimal allocation of resources, is widely used in various fields such as astrophysics, machine learning, and imaging science. However, many applications impose elementwise constraints on the transport plan which traditional optimal transport cannot enforce. Here we introduce Supervised Optimal Transport (sOT) that formulates a constrained optimal transport problem where couplings between certain elements are prohibited according to specific applications. sOT is proved to be equivalent to an penalized optimization problem, from which efficient algorithms are designed to solve its entropy regularized formulation. We demonstrate the capability of sOT by comparing it to other variants and extensions of traditional OT in color transfer problem. We also study the barycenter problem in sOT formulation, where we discover and prove a unique reverse and portion selection (control) mechanism. Supervised optimal transport is broadly applicable to applications in which constrained transport plan is involved and the original unit should be preserved by avoiding normalization. 时间:2023年6月14日10:00-11:00 地点:数学院424会议室
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