海外名师讲堂第一百三十四讲-宾夕法尼亚州立大学应用语言学系陆小飞教授系列讲座二:Testing the Relationship of Linguistic Complexity to L2 learners’ Comparative Judgment on Text Difficulty

发布时间:2023-06-25 阅读: 89 添加: 管理员


陆小飞教授,俄亥俄州立大学语言学博士,现任宾夕法尼亚州立大学应用语言学系教授、博士生导师。主要研究领域为语料库语言学、学术英语、二语写作、二语习得及计算机辅助语言教学。担任 Ampersand Frontiers in Psychology副主编及Journal of Second Language Writing10余种权威期刊编委会成员。最新专著Corpus Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition: Perspectives, Issues, and Findings2023年在 Routledge出版。在American Educational Research Journal, Applied Linguistics, Assessing Writing, Behavior Research Methods, Computer Assisted Language Learning, Educational Researcher, English for Specific Purposes, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Second Language Writing, Language Learning, Language Learning & Technology, Language Teaching Research, ReCALL, System, TESOL QuarterlyThe Modern Language Journal等权威期刊发表论文70余篇。2019-2022年连续四年入选斯坦福大学发布的语言研究领域全球2%顶尖科学家“年度影响力”榜单。开发的句法与词汇复杂度分析器得到国际上二语写作与习得研究者的广泛应用。



This study examined the relationship of linguistic complexity, captured using a set of lexical richness, syntactic complexity, and discoursal complexity indices, to second language (L2) learners' perception of text difficulty, captured using L2 raters' comparative judgment on text comprehensibility and reading speed. Testing materials were 180 texts abridged from college English coursebooks and raters were 90 advanced Chinese L2 English learners. Forty-five raters read paired texts and determined which text was harder to understand in each pair, and another 45 raters read paired texts and determined which text they read faster in each pair. Two linear stepwise regression models containing lexical, syntactic, and discoursal features explained 48.1% and 54.6% of the variance in L2 learners' estimates of text comprehensibility and reading speed, receptively, outperforming three first language readability models. These findings contribute useful insight into the relationship between linguistic complexity and L2 learners' perception of text difficultly.










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