学术报告——Investigating the momentum balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: new observations in a Polar Front meander |
发布时间:2018-11-28 阅读: 1945 次 添加: 管理员 |
报告题目:Investigating the momentum balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: new observations in a Polar Front meander 主 讲 人:Dr. Helen E. Phillips 主讲人简介: Dr. Helen E. Phillips is a Senior Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. She is interested in how the small-scale features in the ocean, such as waves and eddies, affect the large currents that are critical pathways for heat and other properties to be spread through the ocean. She is an observational oceanographer, spending time on research vessels to collect observations in the Indian and Southern Oceans, but also using robotic instruments to collect data remotely and send it home over the mobile phone network. 报告时间:2018.12.5(周三)10:10-12:00 报告地点:海洋与大气学院219房间 联 系 人:权陕媛,联系方式:15762254656 主办单位:极地海洋过程和全球海洋变化重点实验室(POGOC) |
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