国(境)外文教专家2017年度系列讲座二十四:华盛顿大学Jeff Simon与Zhongxiang Zhao教授系列讲座 |
国(境)外文教专家2017年度系列讲座二十四:华盛顿大学Jeff Simon与Zhongxiang Zhao教授系列讲座
Jeffrey Simmen After receiving his Ph.D. in applied mathematics from Caltech in 1984, Dr. Simmen worked for the following five years at the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) where he was involved in operations research and tactical development for Navy operations, specializing in the areas of search theory and underwater acoustics. In June 2003, Dr. Simmen became the seventh Director of the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at the University of Washington, joining APL in time to celebrate its 60th year as a premier center for research, development, and advanced education in science and engineering. At APL, he has focused on establishing new science and technology initiatives and sponsors to broaden the Laboratory’s research portfolio, building up Laboratory infrastructure, and enhancing the integration, collaboration and recruitment of Laboratory personnel – all aimed at increasing APL productivity, measured in knowledge/data transfer and technology transfer.
Zhongxiang Zhao Principal Oceanographer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington (2014–now) Senior Oceanographer, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington (2012–2014) Oceanographer III/IV, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington (2009–2012) Postdoctoral Research Associate, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington (2005–2009) Research Assistant, College of Marine and Earth Studies, University of Delaware (2000–2004) Research Assistant, First Institute of Oceanography State Oceanic Administration (SOA) (1996–1999)
RESEARCH INTERESTS: physical oceanography, satellite oceanography, satellite altimetry, tomography, SAR, tide, internal tide, internal wave, turbulence and ocean mixing, tropical cyclones, air-sea interaction, ocean acoustics, instrument development, numerical modeling
报告题目:Jeff Simmen: Introduction of APL (Applied Physics Laboratory) of University of Washington Zhongxiang Zhao: Global Internal Tide Energy Flux and Dissipation from Satellite Altimetry 时间:2017年6月1日 上午9:30-11:30 地点:海洋与大气学院219房间
国际合作与交流处 海洋与大气学院 2017年5月19日 |
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